
Cereal and oilseed rape harvest: final estimates - 2021

Final estimates of area, yield and production for winter and spring barley, wheat, oats and oilseed rape, for the 2021 harvest.

Increase in wheat production

A chart shows area, production and yield estimates of the wheat harvest from 2012 to 2021

Scottish wheat is mainly soft wheats used in distilling. In 2020, around 29 percent of wheat was sold to merchants for malting.

The Scottish climate does not suit hard wheat varieties, which is imported for milling.

Wheat accounts for

30% Total crop production

Wheat yield remains higher than average, despite a one percent decrease compared to the previous year.

In 2021, the grown area of wheat increased by 12 percent.

Production increased by 11 per cent, rising above the ten year average.



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