Publication - Advice and guidance
On Board: a guide for members of management advisory boards
This guidance is for all those appointed by the Chief Executive to be a member of management advisory boards.
Key Messages
- As an Advisory Board member you help to ensure the effective governance and financial management of your public body within the context of public service delivery and reform for the benefit of the people of Scotland.
- Public bodies are required to demonstrate their commitment to public service delivery and reform by recognising their role in the delivery of the Programme for Government and the National Performance Framework.
- Public service reform is built on four pillars: Prevention, Performance, People and Partnership (supported by Place) - which should be reflected in public bodies' corporate strategic priorities and plans.
- The Scottish Government has developed a distinct approach to support the achievement of National Outcomes and public service reform. It is centred around empowerment and participation: enabling people to co-design, shape and deliver public services that they use; and building on the strengths of families and communities.
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