
On Board: a guide for members of management advisory boards

This guidance is for all those appointed by the Chief Executive to be a member of management advisory boards.

Public Service Delivery and Reform: Guidance Note 1: Overview

Scottish Ministers and all those within the wider Scottish Administration* are committed to high quality, continually improving, efficient public services that are responsive to local people's needs. To deliver on this commitment it is important that public bodies, third sector and private organisations work effectively in partnership with communities and each other.

This section explains the key policy developments and strategies on the delivery and reform of public services in Scotland, the relevance of public service delivery and reform to you as a Board member of a public body, and the influential role you can play in making a real change to the lives of the people of Scotland.

* The Scotland Act 1998 created the Scottish Parliament and the Scottish Administration. The Scottish Administration consists of the Scottish Ministers, including the Law Officers, and the key Non-Ministerial Offices and Officeholders in Scotland. The Scottish Administration performs its functions on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen and its staff are civil servants.


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