National Care Service

A collection of documents relating to the development of a National Care Service for the delivery of consistent and high standards in health and social care services.


A National Care Service will be established to improve care services in Scotland. 

Data and evidence

These papers set out key sources of information about social care and related areas in Scotland, to support the development of the National Care Service.


Email: if you have any queries about data and evidence.

Impact assessments

Easy read




Other National Care Service Bill documents

Seldom heard voices

We have been working with organisations who support people from groups and communities who often have barriers to engaging with government.

We wanted to engage with these groups as they have not been as involved as other groups in our previous co-design work.

We have published reports which summarise what we heard from people during this work.

Complaints and redress

We have been carrying out research and speaking to stakeholders to understand current health and social care complaints processes.

This report sets out findings we have gathered through research and co-design that relate to complaints and redress.

National Care Service forums

National forum 2023

We held our second annual National Forum on Monday 30 October, 2023 at the Glasgow Science Centre.

The aim of the annual forum was to provide an opportunity for people to come together and talk about the future of community health and social care in Scotland.

We also wanted to update people on the progress of the NCS.

You can find the forum reports, speeches, programme and discussion guide below.

Regional forums 2023

During the summer and autumn of 2023, we held a series of regional events across different communities in Scotland. These were part of our work to design the new National Care Service with those who receive or deliver social care, social work and community healthcare support.
We have published reports which summarise what we heard from people and what we will do next.

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