Flu and COVID-19 vaccination programme - autumn/winter 2021-2022: equality impact assessment
An equality impact assessment (EQIA) for the autumn/winter 2021-2022 Flu and COVID-19 vaccination programme.
Annex A: Flu Vaccine COVID-19 Vaccine Programme Governance
106. The Vaccination Programme Board sits within Scotland's National Vaccination Partnership (SNVP) Portfolio and also has direct links to the Scottish Immunisation Programme (SIP) and associated sub-groups so that information and requests can flow as necessary. The Programme Board has delegated authority to make recommendations directly to Scottish Ministers and is accountable to Ministers. The Programme Board will provide updates to the Vaccinations Scotland Portfolio Board and SIPG as guided by the Chair of the Vaccination Programme Board or at the request of the Portfolio Board.

Overall programme stakeholder engagement
107. The Vaccination Programme Board will actively engage and communicate with wider stakeholders to ensure consistent understanding of the work being undertaken by the programme. The following groups should be represented on the Programme Board but as noted above, wider engagement and input will be achieved through individual work-streams, specific engagement activities and the National Vaccine Inclusive Steering Group.
- SG Vaccines Directorate
- Flu Vaccine, COVID Vaccine Clinical Governance Group
- Scottish Immunisation Programme Group (SIPG)
- Scottish Government (SG) Primary Care Directorate
- Local Health Board Planning Leads
- Local Health Board Immunisation Co-ordinators
- Local and National Health Board Chief Executives
- Directors of Public Health
- SG Health Workforce Directorate
- SG COVID Ready Society Directorate
- Staff side representative
- Third Sector Patient representative
- Vaccination Transformation Programme
- SOLACE representative
The following key stakeholder groups require to be regularly updated and included in the work-streams:
- Citizens / Recipients of NHS Services in Scotland
- Relevant wider work-stream stakeholders
- Equalities stakeholders
- SG Directorates focussed on COVID response
Email: Vacsbusinesssupport@gov.scot
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