
Sewage sludge: odour emissions assessment

This report is part of the research project undertaken by the James Hutton Institute on the impacts on human health and environment arising from the spreading of sewage sludge to land (CR/2016/23).

7. Appendix 1 Sampling Data

Date Cake type & approx. age Sample ID Sampling times Odour Concentrations 3 Hood Ventilation rate (m3/s) Emission rate (ouE/s/m2) H2S Conc. (ppm) Mean H2S Emission 2 NH3 Conc. (ppm) NH3 Emission (mg/s/m2) Air Temp. off hood (0C) Cake Temp (0C) Amb. Temp (0C)
samples Geo. Mean
18/04 LIMED 8 weeks A1 11:05-11:09 21,264 28,007 0.0084003 241.6 0.17 0.00180 28 0.171 14.2 10.7 14.9
A2 11:10-11:14 26,880 0.15
A3 11:15-11:20 38,436 0.12
18/04 LIMED 4 weeks B1 11:37-11:42 32,736 29,102 0.0116045 346.7 0.29 0.00372 14 0.118 16.4 16.8  
B2 11:43-11:48 36,288 0.20
B3 11:49-11:53 20,748 0.17
19/04 THP 12 weeks C1 09:28-09:32 964 726 0.0092663 6.9 0.000 0 32 0.216 16.1 9.2 15.9
C2 09:33-09:37 622 0.000
C3 09:38-09:43 639 0.000
19/04 THP 4 to 5 weeks D1 10:17-10:21 724 722 0.0067549 5.0 0.000 0 26 0.128 18.7 10.7 15.8
D2 10:22-10:26 860 0.000
D3 10:27-10:32 604 0.000
19/04 AD 4 to 5 weeks E1 13:08-13:12 3,949 4,325 0.0034641 15.4 0.066 0.00025 9 0.023 18.3 10.0 17.8
E2 13:13-13:17 4,424 0.047
E3 13:18-13:22 4,631 0.034
19/04 AD 12 weeks F1 14:04-14:08 726 920 0.0095550 9.0 0.003 0.00003 4 0.028 18.8 9.2 18.2
F2 14:09-14:14 972 0.002
F3 14:15-14:20 1,103 0.002



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