
Scotland's marine economic statistics 2016

The publication presents economic statistics for industrial categories defined as part of the marine sector.

12. Other marine economic sectors

The information provided in this report is based on available, validated economic sources. While other sectors contribute to the marine economy, such as offshore renewable energy and research and development (R&D), because figures are not readily available it has not been possible to include them here. The estimates within this report are therefore likely to provide a lower bound of the economic value of Scotland’s marine sector.

The fishing section is based around sea fisheries statistics. These do not include the coastal netting of sea salmon and trout, which are not currently included within these Marine Economic Statistics. Direct GVA from angling and netting was estimated to be £25.9m in 2014. Only netting would be relevant to these economic statistics.

Seaweed harvesting is a potential addition to the marine economy, though it is not yet sufficiently active to be included here.


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