
Mental health and wellbeing in primary care services: resources

This resource has been developed to support staff working in general practice. It is intended to help all staff contribute to the link worker function within the Services, by providing a directory of additional sources of help and support, that people can be connected in with.

8. Scottish Recovery Network

8.1 Introduction

As part of the wider picture in support of promoting the concept of recovery from mental health problems, the Scottish Government is responsible for funding and overseeing policy relating to the Scottish Recovery Network (SRN), an organisation that seeks to make mental health recovery a reality for everyone in Scotland.

The work of SRN makes a valuable contribution to improving Scotland’s mental health in promoting a positive messages on recovery and support across communities in Scotland.

SRN was founded in 2004 and has been funded by the Scottish Government since then. It is hosted by Penumbra, one of Scotland’s largest mental health charities. Its strategic aims are to:

  • work with others to support communities and the people within them to achieve their recovery potential;
  • place lived experience at the centre of health and social policy in Scotland; and
  • support and share recovery learning and approaches.

8.2 SRN Peer Support

  • Let’s do Peer 2 Peer – this short animation (1 minute 21 seconds) explores what Peer2Peer is and how to get involved.
  • Jasmail is a Recovery Practitioner (Peer) and WRAP Facilitator in Aberdeen with mental health charity Penumbra. In this short animation (2 minutes) she tells us about her experience of bereavement and the positive impact peer support has on her life both personally and professionally.
  • More peer support stories can be found on the Scottish Recovery Network website.



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