
Mental health and wellbeing in primary care services: resources

This resource has been developed to support staff working in general practice. It is intended to help all staff contribute to the link worker function within the Services, by providing a directory of additional sources of help and support, that people can be connected in with.

17. Eating Disorders

17.1 NHS Inform

NHS inform provides reliable and trustworthy health information about Eating Disorders support and treatment in Scotland.

17.2 Beat

Beat provides a range of support services for children and adults with an eating disorder or disordered eating. They also provide support to parents and carers of those with an eating disorder. This includes telephone support programmes, weekly peer-to-peer support groups, and workshops. They also have a dedicated helpline for Scotland where individuals can speak to a trained support worker.

Helpline: 0808 801 0432

Opening hours: 24/7

17.3 CARED Scotland

CARED is a website funded by the Scottish Government which provides information and resources for parents and carers of young people (aged up to 25) in Scotland who have recently received a diagnosis of an eating disorder and are about to or have just started treatment. Developed by NHS clinicians, carers and young people.

17.4 Families Empowered & Supporting Treatment for Eating Disorders (F.E.A.S.T)

FEAST is a global organisation which provides information & support to parents and carers of people with eating disorders.

17.5 SupportED

SupportED work in communities across Scotland to support people with an eating disorder, their families and carers. They provide information and resources and offer support groups and befriending. Their website can be found here.

17.6 Eating Disorders – SIGN

The SIGN guidelines was published in 2022 and provides recommendations based on current evidence for best practice in the management of people with eating disorders of all ages, and gender groups in health or social care settings.

Eating disorders covered are:

  • Anorexia nervosa
  • Bulimia nervosa
  • Binge eating disorder
  • Eating-disordered psychopathology occurring in the context of type 1 diabetes mellitus.

17.7 Medical emergencies in eating disorders (MEED)

The MEED Guidance on recognition and management (CR233) has been developed by the Royal College of Psychiatrists for frontline staff so that people with eating disorders needing urgent care can be identified and treated earlier. To aid decisions on emergency management, the document provides an eating disorders risk assessment tool using a “traffic light” system.

17.8 Psychological Treatment for Eating Disorders

The Psychological Treatment for Eating Disorders matrix has been designed to support the evidence-based practice of psychological therapies and interventions across the age range.



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