
Public Sector Employment In Scotland Statistics For 4th Quarter 2021

Statistics based on administrative records and surveys of individual public sector bodies carried out by the Scottish Government and the Office for National Statistics (ONS). This is a snapshot of employment as at December 2021.


1. Estimates for total employment and private sector employment are based on the Labour Force Survey, ONS.

2. Further details on major reclassifications are provided on page 5 and online at This includes several Train Operating Companies (TOCs) included within the public sector as at 1st April 2020.

3. Public corporations, public sector financial institutions and public bodies have been combined into 'other public sector' to ensure individual organisation employment figures are not disclosed.

4. Estimates for private sector employment are based on total employment estimates from the Labour Force Survey, ONS and public sector employment figures.

5. Major reserved reclassifications include Royal Bank of Scotland plc, Lloyds Banking Group plc, Northern Rock plc, Lloyds TSB Commercial Finance, Lloyds Bank Asset Finance, Scottish Widows, Direct Line, Royal Mail Group plc, (known as the Post Office Ltd (until Q2 2006) and Network Rail. Devolved reclassifications include Registered Social Landlords, with Train Operating Companies split across Reserved and Devolved responsibility.

6. For further details on the make-up of the Scottish Public Sector, please see the background notes for this publication:

7. A detailed breakdown on this information by staffing group was published by NHS Education for Scotland on 1 March 2022:

8. A more detailed breakdown is published in related web tables

9. Public corporations, public sector financial institutions and public bodies have been combined into 'other public sector' to ensure individual organisation employment figures are not disclosed.



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