
Planning applications statistics 2022/2023: quarterly (April 2022 to September 2022)

Statistics on planning applications and decision-making timescales for the first two quarters of 2022-2023. Data are collected as part of the Planning Performance Framework from local and planning authorities.

5. Local Developments

5.1. All Local Developments

There were 13,127 decisions on local developments in the first two quarters of 2022/23. This was slightly lower than the same period in 2019/20 prior to the pandemic. The average decision time rose in the period affected by the pandemic (for applications not subject to processing agreements). In Q1 and Q2 of 2022/23 average decision times remained relatively high compared to times before the pandemic (10.9 weeks in Q1, 11.5 weeks in Q2).

Chart 1: All Local Developments
A stacked column chart showing number of local applications decided in each quarter since 2018/19. Also a line chart of average decision times for local applications without processing agreements. Numbers in Q1 and Q2 of 2022/23 were slightly lower than before the pandemic in 2019/20. Average decision times remained higher than before the pandemic at 11.5 weeks in Q2.

In Q1 there were 939 local development applications with processing agreements, three-quarters (75%) met agreed timescales that had been set between developers and local authorities. In Q2 there were 862 with 68% meeting the agreed timescales. Some authorities continued to use more processing agreements for local applications than had been used in the past.

Stautory time period for local applications

Under planning regulations, authorities should determine applications for local developments within two months of the validation date. More information is available in the planning circular on development management procedures.

View web page for planning series circular 3 2013 development management procedures

The percentage decided within two months in the first two quarters of 2022/23 was 61%. This remains lower than before the pandemic when around 74% were decided within two months. Where these applications were from householders making changes to their properties, the percentage was higher at 72%.

5.2. Local Housing Developments

There were 1,783 local housing developments not subject to processing agreements decided during the first two quarters of 2022/23. Numbers of applications were declining prior to the pandemic and have remained relatively low. Average decision times continued to be higher than before the pandemic (15.4 weeks in Q1 and 17.5 weeks in Q2). The percentage of decisions made in less than two months was 42% in Q1 and 40% in Q2. Where processing agreements were in place, the percentage meeting agreed timescales fell to 57.5% in Q2 of 2022/23.



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