
Peer support in perinatal mental health: evidence review

This internship project report reviews the evidence base for peer support in perinatal mental health, considering evidence of effectiveness, models of support currently in place and potential ways of further developing peer support in Scotland.


1. This report reflects the pre-COVID situation. The project on which this is report is based was undertaken in October – December 2019. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the service landscape is likely to have changed in terms of both the availability and modes of delivery of peer support.

2. For a full list of search terms, the databases searched and results, see Annex 1.

3. Through the course of this research we identified: Sands, Sands Lothian, Scottish Care & Information on Miscarriage (SCIM), Simba, Zaagi, Antenatal Results and Choices (ARC), Tommy's and Scottish Cot Death Trust.



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