
Operation of the Homeless Persons Legislation in Scotland: 2013-14

This bulletin provides information on homelessness applications, assessments and outcomes to 31 March 2014. It includes information on the characteristics of applicant households, local authority assessments and the action taken in respect of cases that were concluded. Snapshot data on households in temporary accommodation at 31 March 2014 are also presented.

Table 8c

Action taken by local authorities for applicants assessed as homeless (priority or non-priority), by year of case closure

2012-13 2013-14
Priority homeless Non-priority homeless All homeless Priority homeless (Note 3) Non-priority homeless (Note 3) All homeless
Action taken by local authority Number Number Number Number
Social rented tenancy offered: accepted 17,019 118 17,137 15,410 17 15,427
Social rented tenancy offered: not accepted 1,987 20 2,007 1,695 1 1,696
Social rented tenancy offered 19,006 138 19,144 17,105 18 17,123
Private tenancy offered: accepted 1,141 169 1,310 1,262 0 1,262
Private tenancy offered: not accepted 17 3 20 20 1 21
Private tenancy offered 1,158 172 1,330 1,282 1 1,283
Temporary accommodation offered: accepted 1,430 323 1,753 1,398 22 1,420
Temporary accommodation offered: not accepted 330 211 541 327 0 327
Temporary accommodation offered 1,760 534 2,294 1,725 22 1,747
Referred to other LA 204 0 204 188 0 188
Advice and assistance 1,009 582 1,591 737 2 739
Other 3,793 84 3,877 3,852 1 3,853
Total 26,930 1,510 28,440 24,889 44 24,933

Note 1:- Priority and non-priority homeless include applicants assessed as threatened with homelessness.

Note 2:- This table includes cases closed which had been assessed as homeless or threatened with homelessness, and where contact had been maintained to duty discharge.

Note 3:- In November 2012 the Scottish Parliament approved the Homelessness (Abolition of Priority Need Test) (Scotland) Order 2012. This meets the homelessness commitment and ensures that from 31st December 2012 onwards, local authorities no longer apply the priority need test to homeless households. This table is based on the closure date. Some cases may have been assessed as priority need prior to 31st December 2012 but have only had their final rehousing outcome in 2013-14. Hence, cases assessed after this date will include all cases assessed as unintentionally homeless or unintentionally threatened with homelessness.


Email: Andrew Waugh or Ian Morton

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