
Operation of the Homeless Persons Legislation in Scotland: 2013-14

This bulletin provides information on homelessness applications, assessments and outcomes to 31 March 2014. It includes information on the characteristics of applicant households, local authority assessments and the action taken in respect of cases that were concluded. Snapshot data on households in temporary accommodation at 31 March 2014 are also presented.

Table 2b

Total applications by household type and gender

2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Single person: male 23,673 25,530 24,334 25,885 24,524 22,228 23,180 23,359 22,841 18,916 17,457 16,634
Single person: female 10,459 11,199 11,761 12,518 12,772 12,175 12,241 12,004 12,034 9,998 8,334 7,725
Total single person 34,132 36,729 36,095 38,403 37,296 34,403 35,421 35,363 34,875 28,914 25,791 24,359
Single parent: male 1,187 1,459 1,820 2,342 2,748 3,043 3,492 3,880 3,768 3,117 2,387 1,577
Single parent: female 10,443 11,128 11,746 11,946 11,319 10,781 10,407 9,936 9,359 7,821 6,687 5,977
Total single parent 11,630 12,587 13,566 14,288 14,067 13,824 13,899 13,816 13,127 10,938 9,074 7,554
Couple without children 2,224 2,561 2,839 2,859 2,916 2,939 2,918 2,762 2,602 1,862 1,628 1,404
Couple with children 2,599 2,813 3,026 3,050 3,152 3,302 2,984 2,963 2,826 2,122 1,937 1,658
Other without children 864 1,030 1,014 1,098 1,122 1,410 1,273 1,197 1,201 873 872 780
Other with children 672 893 854 964 1,002 1,377 1,193 1,127 1,020 841 748 702
Total 52,121 56,613 57,394 60,662 59,555 57,255 57,688 57,228 55,651 45,550 40,050 36,457


Email: Andrew Waugh or Ian Morton

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