Multi-agency public protection arrangements (MAPPA) Scotland: national overview report 2016 to 2017

Report on the main national developments in relation to MAPPA in Scotland over 2016-17.

8.0 Police Scotland

MAPPA allows Police Scotland to work in partnership with the other Responsible Authorities to provide effective and efficient management of Registered Sex Offenders ( RSOs) and certain other Risk of Serious Harm Offenders. This is achieved through consistent practice; enhancing new and further developing existing partnerships to, as far as possible, manage offenders in a way that reduces the risk of further serious offending and exploiting all intelligence and new technologies to mitigate risk.

This includes consideration on a case by case basis of application for Sexual Offences Prevention Orders, seeking to impose bespoke conditions intended to target specific risk factors associated with the offender, which require them to do, and/or prohibit them from doing, certain acts; referring foreign nationals convicted of sexual offences in Scotland to Home Office Immigration Enforcement ( HOIE) for consideration of HOIE deportation criteria; and the introduction in late 2016, of computer enabled software to compliment standard monitoring methods, assist and enhance the ability to assess and manage RSOs who have committed internet related offences.

Police Scotland has Offender Management Units in each of the 13 territorial Divisions with specially trained staff dedicated to the management of RSOs, Restricted Patients and other risk of serious harm offenders. The National Offender Management Unit ( NOMU) is a central unit providing governance, review and quality assurance to ensure compliance and consistent practice throughout offender management.

In the reporting year the Scottish Government funded the development of Police Risk Practice training in conjunction with the RMA. This training was delivered to all staff within Offender Management Units and provided officers with a framework and structured, evidence based process to assess and manage risk of serious harm. To compliment this, a Police Risk Practice pilot aimed at testing a framework for risk assessment and process for police led MAPPA Level 1 offenders has been implemented. These will ensure improved effectiveness in the multi-agency management of serious offenders in the community.

Police Scotland also welcomed the Joint Thematic Review of MAPPA realising the importance of continually reviewing and reassessing practices and processes to ensure they remain efficient and effective, and we are working with the Scottish Government and other Responsible Authorities to address the recommendations raised from this report.


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