
Multi-agency public protection arrangements (MAPPA) Scotland: national overview report 2016 to 2017

Report on the main national developments in relation to MAPPA in Scotland over 2016-17.

6.0 The Scottish Prison Service (SPS)

The Scottish Prison Service ( SPS) is committed to protecting the public from harm as a Responsible Authority in the operation and governance of the MAPPA.

The risk assessment and management of offenders in custody who are subject to release on licence is carried out in partnership with Local Authority Criminal Justice Social Workers, through an enhanced version of the Integrated Case Management ( ICM) process.

Such offenders are risk assessed by Prison Based Social Workers, using a structured professional judgement approach informed by a variety of risk assessment tools approved by the RMA. For certain offenders, a Psychological Risk Assessment may be carried out by SPS Forensic Psychologists and used to inform ICM case conferences and at key points in an offender's sentence, to share information and inform individual action plans.

SPS establishments work in partnership with MAPPA coordinators, prison and community based Criminal Justice Social Work Teams and Police Scotland Offender Management Units.

SPS is represented on the MAPPA National Strategic Group, MAPPA Development Group and short-life working groups established to progress the future delivery of MAPPA. SPS have representation on Police Scotland's Offender Management Working Group and Prison Governors will contribute and attend Strategic Oversight Groups.

A summary of SPS activity in 2016-17 includes:

MAPPA Other Risk Of Serious Harm category

Where the ICM case conference provides evidence and assesses that the risk posed by a person in custody meets the criteria for inclusion, a referral will be submitted to consider inclusion in the MAPPA arrangements.


SPS continues to support and maintain a dedicated central ViSOR team located within its Public Protection Unit. The team has 3 ViSOR terminals which are used to keep the records of MAPPA eligible offenders up to date with key information which is shared with other Responsible Authorities to assist and contribute to the on-going assessment and management of risk.

MAPPA Presentation to SPS Heads of Offender Outcomes

In November 2016, representatives from Scottish Government and the RMA delivered presentations and provided guidance on the completion of MAPPA related risk assessment documents.

Integrated Case Management ( ICM) Coordinators Awareness Day

Also in November 2016, the ICM MAPPA Coordinators attended a comprehensive engagement session which focussed on roles, responsibilities and effective delivery of MAPPA in SPS working in close partnership with the other Responsible Authorities.

Programme Delivery

SPS delivered a total of 425 completions of its range of offending behaviour programmes to offenders who were assessed as eligible and motivated to participate:

Programme Target Risk Number of Completions
Moving Forward: Making Changes Sex Offending 66
Self-Change Instrumental Violence 18
Controlling Anger & Regulating Emotion Violence 70
Constructs Problem solving & consequential thinking 144
Substance Related Offending Behaviour Drug & Alcohol Misuse 127
Total 425

In addition, SPS offers a range of other opportunities and supports to people in custody to help them build their strengths and address their needs in preparation for release. Such supports are assessed on an individual basis and can include substance misuse treatment, assistance with mental health, vocational and academic education to increase job readiness, and support with family matters such as parenting and relationships. There is a specific intervention for young adult men and a separate specific intervention for female offending.


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