
Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) in Scotland: national overview report 2022-2023

The Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA), are a set of statutory partnership working arrangements introduced in 2007. This report provides an overview of the main national developments in relation to MAPPA during the reporting period from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.

7. Police Scotland

Police Scotland works in partnership with other Responsible Authorities and DTC Agencies to provide effective and efficient policing of Registered Sex Offenders (RSOs) and Other Risk of Serious Harm individuals in pursuance of overall MAPPA management. This is achieved through consistent practice, enhancing and developing new and existing partnerships to manage the inherent risks and challenges posed by these individuals.

Recognising the critical role of lawful, effective and efficient information sharing, Police Scotland has supported the Home Office and SG in the development of MAPPS, promoting its use in Scotland as the platform for the secure storage and sharing of information between MAPPA Responsible Authorities.

Police Scotland has continued to engage with the SG and MAPPA partners seeking the development of a modern, fit for purpose, MAPPA communication strategy to build community confidence through promotion of the ongoing work of Responsible Authorities and DTC agencies.

In pursuance of continual professional development, Police Scotland’s National Sex Offender Policing Unit has assessed recent Home Office commissioned academic research on offender profiles and behaviours in England and Wales, identifying changing demands and learning opportunities to develop ongoing Sex Offender Policing practices.

Police Scotland remains engaged with SG to develop appropriate legislation to best serve MAPPA objectives and protect communities of Scotland from current and future risks.



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