The Integrated Administration And Control System: explanatory booklet

Explanatory Booklet for IACS 2007.


Online guidance on this section can be found at


77. Your IACS(3) Field Data Sheet has 5 sections:

  • Basic Information: Columns A-G;
  • Land Eligibility: Column H;
  • 2007 Claim Details: Columns I and J;
  • Other Land on the holding: Columns K and L; and
  • Land Management Contract Menu Scheme: Columns M and N.

Your IACS(4) Field Data Sheet has the first 4 sections listed above, but it does not contain columns M and N for the Land Management Contract Menu Scheme because you can not claim LMCMS on seasonal land.

All fields in your business must be shown on your IACS(3) or on your IACS(4) (see paragraphs 78-107). An example of a completed IACS(3) is shown below (pages 26-27) gives an example of how to amend existing entries and enter details of your claim on an IACS(3) Field Data Sheet.


78. A field is an area of land with fixed boundaries which are sufficient obstructions to prevent the field being worked as a single field with any of its neighbours. Fixed boundaries are usually physical features like trees, hedges, wide streams and so on. A parcel is a continuous area of land on which a single crop is grown by an individual farmer. If you are using a field for more than one purpose (for example part of it has been set-aside), it has two or more parcels. We do not allocate unique identifiers to parcels.

You must show each field on the IACS(3) or IACS(4), and show parcel use separately in the same line, in columns I-M on the IACS(3) and in columns I-L on the IACS(4). If a field has more than two parcels please complete a new line with all of the details for each additional parcel

Only fields of 0.1 hectares or more will be eligible for SAF related payments. The area you declare or claim on a SAF must be at least 0.3 hectares but an application may consist of more than one parcel. The minimum set-aside parcel size varies in relation to the width of a parcel as follows:

  • A set-aside parcel must be at least 10 metres wide at all points and 0.1 hectares in area.
  • A set-aside parcel next to permanent watercourses, hedges, woods, dykes and other environmental features must be at least 6 metres wide and 0.05 hectares in area.
  • These strips will have to comply with specific management restrictions, similar to those for grass margins in Agri-Environment Schemes.

If you break the set-aside rules, we will apply penalties.

79. If your field contains trees, you may include it in your SAF for SFPS purposes if the density of the trees allows cropping or grazing in the same way as on similar fields without trees. Woodlands accepted as eligible under the previous regime will continue to be eligible however new plantings will only be eligible if the tree density was below 50 trees/ha. For SFPS, you can not claim or declare unusable areas, such as woodland, roads, yards, buildings and ponds. However, LMCMS applicants can declare woodland for allowance purposes, as well as for woodland planning and management options in columns K and L of the Field Data Sheets. The areas we printed on your FIS map are for the gross plan area of the field. This includes ineligible areas, such as rocky outcrops and buildings in the field. You must ensure that you deduct any ineligible land when you claim.

Field margins

80. For set-aside and ECS/ PCP claims, you may include field margins if the distance from the centre of the boundary to the edge of the crop is no more than 3 metres. Field margins can include additional features such as hedges, ditches and dykes, as well as uncropped strips. If we find that the width of any field margin is more than 3 metres we will deduct the whole area of the margin, that is in excess of 3m, from your claim and apply penalties.

Internal features

81. For set-aside and ECS/ PCP claims, we will accept internal features as part of the eligible agricultural parcel, provided these are permanent features no more than 2 metres wide.

Pre-Printed IACS(3)s and IACS(4)s

82. The pre-printed IACS(3) allows you to amend the pre-printed details in columns B to F (columns B to J for farmers with permanent forage, but excluding columns E, F & G) and to fill in the remaining columns for your 2007 SAF claim and declare the remaining land on your holding. The pre-printed IACS(4) will show the same detail in column B to F, but columns I and J will not be pre-printed. If you have a question about the entries in columns E, F, G or H please contact your local SEERAD Area Office

IF YOU NEED TO CHANGE ANY OF THE FIELD IDENTIFIERS OR THEIR GROSS AREAS, YOU MUST FILL IN AND SUBMIT A LBCF ( see Annex 3) preferably before 15 May 2007. If you have a question about the entries in columns E, F, G or H please contact your SEERAD Area Office.

If you declared more than one crop group for a field in 2006, we will show more than one line with the same field identifier. If you submitted a LBCF in 2006 which altered a field shown in your 2005 claim and we allocated a new FID, only columns B-D will contain pre-printed information for the new FID, but E & F may not be available

83. The pre-printed IACS(3) and IACS(4) shows:

  • Details of each field you claimed in your 2006 SAF in the Basic Information columns B-G;
  • The Main Farm Code Number under which you submitted the SAF in 2006 (top left-hand corner), and the number of pre-printed sheets (top right-hand corner); and
  • The LFA and Non- LFA boxes marked to show the relevant combination (at the top right hand corner of the sheet), if your 2006 SAF showed LFA or Non- LFA Scottish land.

84. For your 2007 SAF, amend the pre-printed IACS(3) and/or IACS(4) rather than copying all your field information on to blank sheets. You will find it easier to complete your forms in the following order:

  • Fill in and, if you need to, amend your pre-printed IACS(3)'s and IACS(4)'s; then
  • Fill in blank IACS(3)'s and IACS(4)'s for any additional fields; then
  • Fill in a LBCF (if required); then
  • Fill in and, if you need to, amend your pre-printed IACS(2).

85. PAY PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO THE PRE-PRINTED AREA INFORMATION. We will use the areas in columns D, E and F to check your claim in 2007. If you do not agree with the field boundaries on your map and areas in column D, fill in a LBCF and send it with your SAF. If you have submitted a LBCF which we have still to action, do not fill in another LBCF. Fill in your SAF using the best information to hand. See Annex 3 for more details. If you need to question the entries in columns E and F, please contact your SEERAD Area Office.

86. Cross out any details that have changed since last year and enter corrections in the bottom half of each line. If you are entering new fields, use a new line for each field. Do not use the bottom half of each line for different fields. Declare at Section 8 of the IACS(2) that you have checked the pre-printed information and amended it if necessary.

87. In 2006, if you claimed in more than one country, we will send you that country's pre-printed SAF and FDS showing the land you claimed in that country. You must fill in and return these forms to your SEERAD Area Office with your Scottish SAF.

Completing the Form

Boxes at the top of the IACS(3) and IACS(4)

88. You MUST:

  • Show whether the land is LFA or Non- LFA (each IACS(3) or IACS(4) must show either LFA or Non- LFA land but not both); and
  • Fill in (or amend if necessary) your Main Farm Code Number.

Basic Information Columns in the IACS(3) and IACS(4)

Columns A to G:

89. This section asks for field by field (one field per line) information on your land and its location. You must complete columns B-D for each field, for all the land which you farm as a single business. Columns E, F and G, are only for pre-printed information. Please do not fill in these columns.

Column A: Farmer's Own Use

90. This column is for your own use. You do not have to use it. Any information you fill in will not be shown on next year's paper forms, although they will be shown on the online version if you submit your claim in that way.

Column B: Farm Code Number

91. Every field must have the correct farm code. We have shown the farm code number of each field in column B. To highlight the change of farm code, we have printed in bold sub-farm codes that are different from the Main Farm Code. If this code is not correct, carefully cross out the farm code shown and write the new farm code clearly in the same box. You must submit a LBCF. Please refer to the LBCF form for details. If we have not shown the farm code or you are completing a blank IACS(3) or IACS(4), enter the correct code.

Column C: Field Identifier

92. Your Field Data Sheets show a unique 14-digit identifier for each field.

  • If you have submitted a LBCF fill in your IACS(3) and/or IACS(4) using the following rules:
    - For MERGED fields, claim on each field individually.
    - For permanently SPLIT fields, use the existing field identifier to refer to each of the fields resulting from the split. Fill in a separate Field Data Sheet line for each new field (or part of field) you claim.
    - For MODIFIED fields, use the same field identifier.
  • Check whether you need to fill in a LBCF for any of your fields. If you do complete a LBCF, fill in your IACS(3) or IACS(4) using the above rules.
  • Fill in a field that you are claiming or declaring for the first time in 2007 on your IACS(3)s or IACS(4)s, using its unique field identifier. If you do not know this, ask the current or previous owner/tenant if we have allocated a unique field identifier. Otherwise, use the map sheet reference, followed by a forward slash (/) and the four digit OS number printed on the 1:2500 series OS map (for example NJ/3760/2701), or use your farm code number/sequential field number (for example 123/4567/1) and fill in a LBCF. Please send in your LBCF with your SAF by 15 May 2007. You must also supply a map showing the fields. See Annex 3 for guidance on how to fill in the LBCF and on the mapping requirements. We cannot pay you until we have given these fields unique identifiers and checked them against the field register. We will update your claim with any identifier information that becomes available.

Column D: Total Field Area

93. We have shown the total area of the field (in hectares to 2 decimal places) in column D of the pre-printed IACS(3) and IACS(4). If the area shown is wrong, fill in a LBCF and provide us with evidence of your area measurement, as explained in Annex 3. Fill in column D if you are using blank IACS(3)s or IACS(4)s for new fields or if you did not receive pre-printed sheets.

Column E: Maximum Eligible Area for SFPS

94. To help you claim the correct area for each field, we have shown the maximum eligible area according to our records. The area shown is the total area of the field, less any areas we know are ineligible. This figure may not take account of Agri-Environment pond creation or Forestry measures (see column G) or other ineligible land. Please make sure that when you claim for this field you do not include ineligible land. If there is no entry in column E we have no eligibility data for this field. Y ou must not fill in this column. Contact your SEERAD Area Office to confirm eligibility.

Column F: Maximum Eligible Area for SFPS set-aside

95. To help you claim the correct area for SFP set-aside for each field, we have shown the maximum eligible area according to our records. The area shown is the total area of the field, less any areas we know are ineligible for SFP set-aside. This figure may not take account of Agri-Environment or Forestry measures (see column G) or other ineligible land. If there is no entry in column F we have no eligibility data for this field. Y ou must not fill in this column. Contact your SEERAD Area Office to confirm eligibility.


  • Fields where grass, (identified as codes PGRS, TGRS, WDG or RGR are declared as Forage/Other Land, or Common or Shared Grazing) was consecutively claimed from 1998 to 2003 are identified as Permanent Grass, are ineligible for set-aside, and zeros will be entered in column F.
  • The field is eligible for set-aside if a crop other than grass was claimed in 2003.
  • The field is eligible for set-aside if grass was claimed in 2003, but another crop was claimed in the years 1998-2003.
  • Where grass was claimed in 2003, but cannot be traced consecutively back to 1998 and no other crop code is found prior to the last year in which grass was claimed, and the eligible area cannot be determined, we will print asterisks (**********) in column F.
  • If the field was not claimed in 2003, or set-aside eligibility cannot be determined for any other reason, we will print asterisks (**********) in column F.
  • Split usage of fields between grass and another crop (including set-aside) since 1998 will be shown as ineligible for set-aside. Please check with your SEERAD Area Office to check for eligibility.

Column G: Agri-Environment or Forestry measure in field

96. As explained in paragraphs 94 and 95, the areas pre-printed in columns E and F may not take account of existing Agri-Environment or Forestry measures. The entry in this column tells you that the field in question may contain an actual Agri-Environment or Forestry measure. In these cases your field will have a tick (3) recorded in the column, otherwise it will be left blank. Before entering your claimed/declared area in either columns J or L, you should consider carefully the areas pre-printed in columns E and F and contact your SEERAD Area Office regarding the field's eligibility.

Land Eligibility

Column H: Land Eligibility

97. IACS(3) - The land you are using must be at your disposal for a continuous 10 month period. Information Leaflet 3 "Land Eligibility - The 10 month rule" has further details on this, and can be found on the Scottish Executive Website Publications section. There can be up to two different 10 month periods for different land parcels on your holding. The start dates must be between 1 October 2006 and 30 April 2007. If a FID start date for 2007 overlaps a FID end of 10 month date for 2006, the producer who claimed the FID in 2007 will have this area marked as ineligible.

In this column, enter either "1" or "2" to indicate the start date taken from section 2 - Land Eligibility - of your IACS(2).

98. IACS(4) - If you have seasonal land for 7 months or more, but less than 10 months, enter 3 against the relevant field. This land will not qualify for the SFPS 10 month rule, but may be used for the 2007 LFA scheme and the LMCMS allowance provided that:

  • The land is available and accessible for at least 7 months starting between 1 January and 31 March 2007
  • The leasing arrangements cover 15 May 2007.

2007 Claim Details

[Please note that the heading on columns I & J, on the IACS (3) and in the example IACS (3) in the middle of the IACS (1), should read 2007 and not 2006.]

Column I: Use in 2007 and Column J: Area

99. Land you enter in these columns will activate your Standard, National Reserve and Set-Aside entitlements. You must enter an equal amount of eligible hectares to activate all your entitlements shown in Section 1 of the IACS(2). After we validate this land we will activate (pay) on all your entitlements. We have shown all crops compatible with SFPS in Annex 2.

Note 1 - If you have set-aside entitlements you must set aside a hectare of land for each set-aside entitlement. See paragraph 3.1 of the SFPS Notes for Guidance.

Note 2 - If you applied to the National Reserve and you have increased your eligible hectares, make sure you declare enough land to match all your entitlements. See paragraph 5.2 of the SFPS Notes for Guidance.

DO NOT enter in Columns I and J:

  • Any share you have in common grazings; you must enter details of common grazings separately in Question 2 of your IACS(2). If you have a share in common grazings we will credit you with a proportion of the total area of the grazing according to your share.
  • Non-compatible SFPS crops shown in Annex 2;
  • Land you let out on a seasonal basis.

100. If you share a grazing with other farmers, you must enter your share of the area in these columns, for example, if you have a half share of a 10 hectare field, enter 5 hectares in these columns.

101. For permanent forage we have shown the area (to 2 decimal places) of each field that you declared in 2006 in columns I and J of the IACS(3), omitting ineligible areas.


  • If a field was claimed as permanent forage in 2006 (that is, PGRS, RGR or WDG), then we will fill in columns I and J of the IACS(3) in 2007 with permanent forage data. If the field:
    - also consists of parcels other than permanent forage (for example, other types of forage or arable claimed or other land declared) then nothing is shown in columns I and J.
    - was wholly claimed as permanent forage in 2006 (that is, wholly PGRS, RGR or WDG) then columns I and J will be populated from your 2006 claim data but will be limited by the areas pre-populated in column E.
    - was claimed as permanent forage ( PGRS, RGR or WDG) and also allocated as a common grazing in 2006, then nothing is turned round in columns I and J.
    - has multiple uses (for example combination of PGRS, RGR or WDG) then columns I and J will be populated from your 2006 claim data if the sum of all the parcels does not exceed the areas pre-printed in column E. If the sum of all the parcels exceeds the areas pre printed in column E, then nothing is turned round in columns I and J.

102. If the land use or area printed is not correct, cross out the entry shown and enter clearly in the same box the land use and the area in 2007. When completing blank IACS(3)s and/or IACS(4)s:

  • Column I - the use of the land in 2007 ( using the codes in Annex 2); and
  • Column J - the area (in hectares to 2 decimal places) which you are declaring in 2007.


  • To claim for PCP use the scheme codes in Annex 2.2
  • To claim for ECS use the scheme codes in Annex 2.1. For ECS, you can claim on non-compatible SFPS crops by adding (-E) suffix to the codes shown in Annex 2.9. You should enter the crops in columns K and L.
  • If a field is being used for more than one use, you can fill in two crop codes and areas in the same line, by using the top and bottom halves of the column boxes. If there are more than two uses in the same field, you must enter the third use in a new line.

Other Land on the Holding

Columns K and L

103. Enter in:

  • Column K - use of the land ( using the codes in Annex 2); and
  • Column L - the area (in hectares to 2 decimal places) of your other land in 2007.

You must show all usable fields on your holding in your IACS(3)s and IACS(4)s. Use columns K and L for any fields or parcels not already entered in columns I and J. Use the codes in Annex 2.


  • Land let out to others;
  • Land used for non- SFPS purposes, that is, land not required to support your entitlement payment ( see Annex 2.1-2.7);
  • Land that is not compatible with SFPS ( see Annex 2.9); and
  • Land not entered elsewhere on the IACS(3) which you are claiming for the PCP and ECS.

GUIDANCE CLARIFICATION: Paragraph 103 states that "…you should include Land let out to others.." and "…Land used for non-SFPS purposes…" in columns K & L. We are aware that there is a need to provide some further guidance on this area. The 2 scenarios below will clarify what to do in each set of circumstances:

Scenario 1:

Producer A: Owns a field of 50 Ha and will use it as part of their SFP claim. They rent it out to Producer B to use for grazing.

Producer B: Rents field from producer A.

Producer A: Column I - PGRS, Column J - 50 Ha

Producer B: Column K - PGRS, Column L - 50 Ha

Scenario 2:

Producer A: Owns a field of 50 Ha and will not use it as part of their SFP claim. They rent it out to Producer B to use for grazing.

Producer B: Rents field from producer A and will use it as part of their SFP claim

Producer A: Column K - LLO, Column L - 50 Ha

Producer B: Column I - PGRS, Column J - 50 Ha

The key to understanding which columns to enter your fields in is whether you will be using the land to claim for Single Farm Payment (SFP).

Whoever will be using the land, as part of their claim for SFP, should enter it in columns I & J under the appropriate code.

If there is any doubt about who is using the land as part of their claim for SFP, this should be resolved between both parties before submitting your SAF. If a duplicate claim is found as a result of two producers claiming the same area, then penalties may be applied.

104. Do not include
  • Non-usable land, for example, roads, yards, buildings, ponds and watercourses

Land Management Contract Menu Scheme ( IACS(3) only)

Columns M: Use of Land and N: Area

105. If you are claiming for options 6-17 of the Land Management Contract Menu Scheme (except option 15 b-g access capital items), as well as filling in your LMCMS(2), you must fill in columns M and N of your IACS(3):

  • Column M - fill in the use of the land in 2007 ( using the codes in Annex 2.10); and
  • Column N - fill in the area (in hectares to 2 decimal places) or length (metres) which you are declaring in 2007.

Area Total Boxes at the foot of the IACS(3) and IACS(4)

Total Boxes

106. You do not have to use these boxes but you may find that they help you keep track of the total areas on each Field Data Sheet for each type of main crop group and set-aside, and your ECS and PCP claims. Enter the total of the areas for each main crop group, set-aside, ECS and PCP claims in Question 4 of the SAF. Make sure you add the totals correctly, and transfer them to the SAF. Use the boxes in the top right hand corner of the field data sheet to enter the sheet numbers, for example '1 of 7', '2 of 7' and so on. If the numbers shown in these boxes are wrong, cross out the incorrect number and fill in the right one.


107. Either you, or in the case of an IACS group, a representative who has written authority to act for each of the legally separate businesses, or your authorised agent, must sign and date each IACS(3) and IACS(4). You must be over 16 years of age. If any IACS(3) or IACS(4) is unsigned or undated, we will return it to you. Attach your IACS(3)'s and IACS(4)'s securely to your completed IACS(2).

An example of a completed IACS(3) Form

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