The Integrated Administration And Control System: explanatory booklet

Explanatory Booklet for IACS 2007.


An online version of this can be found at


3.1 The IACS Regulations require Member States to have a register of fields on which subsidy is claimed. This register must have unique field identifiers and areas, against which we can check all claims. The Field Identification System ( FIS) operates in Scotland. We have issued maps showing the unique field identifiers and areas for your farms. You must use these unique field identifiers and areas in your SAF.

Note 1 - We cannot pay you for fields with old field identifiers until these fields have been allocated unique identifiers and been checked against the field register.

Note 2 - Land located in other parts of the UK is subject to the Field Identification System in the country where the land is located.

FIS Maps

3.2.1 The maps we have issued indicate the latest details of your farm, excluding a LBCF (refer to paragraph 3.3.1), that may be unprocessed. Field boundaries are shown in blue. We have listed field identifiers and field areas in the table on the right hand side of the map. The only details that are shown as background to the fields are roads, some water features and buildings.

3.2.2 The second column contains the unique field identifier and the third column lists the total area of the field. The left hand column of the table shows a field counter. This is there to help you establish which field identifier belongs to each field. This counter is not your field identifier and you must not use it in your application.

3.2.3 Before we can make IACS related payments, we must validate your claim against the Field Register (and adjusted where necessary). The areas held on the Field Register correspond to the plan area within the field boundary. Your map shows the gross plan areas of your fields. They have been calculated on the assumption that the field boundary is correct.

Disagreement over area sizes

3.2.4 If you do not agree with the area shown on your map, you should first check whether the boundary of the field is shown correctly. If not, then amend it by completing a LBCF. If you agree with the field boundary shown, but are unhappy with the area, you can make your own arrangements to have the land professionally measured and to submit those measurements to us for approval. Any plans you submit under these arrangements should be surveyed and certified by an independent person who must hold a qualification from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors ( RICS), the Institution of Civil Engineers ( ICE) or a similar professional body. Any map you provide under these arrangements should be drawn to scale and clearly show the areas in question, the underlying OS landline detail and the OS map reference number.

Maintaining the Field Register

3.3.1 From 2005, the Field Register can be updated by completing a LBCF. It is in your interest to submit the form by 15 May 2007. Any form submitted after this deadline may delay your payment. The following paragraphs give more details on when you should use these forms and instructions on how to complete them.

Note - If you have already submitted a LBCF for one or more of your fields, it may not yet be fully processed and your pre-printed Field Data Sheets will not reflect any of this information. Paragraph 91-92 tells you what to do if you are claiming/declaring land that has not been allocated a unique field identifier. It also provides instructions on how you should complete your Field Data Sheets if you have an outstanding LBCF.

3.3.2 If your outstanding LBCF relates to the boundary (and therefore the area of the field), the pre-printed area in column D of the Field Data Sheets will be the original area printed on the map we sent you. Unless you are confident that a different area will supersede the pre-printed area, use the pre-printed area in column D as the total area of your field, or the pre-printed areas in columns E and F as the maximum eligible area. If an Agri-Environment or Forestry measure exists in the field (see column G), you will have to adjust the pre-printed areas when filling in columns I and J of your claim. If you claim more than this, and the results of your LBCF do not substantiate a larger area, we may have to apply the penalties in paragraph 35-44. If you claim less than this, do NOT amend the pre-printed area, but enter the correct area claimed in the appropriate Field Data Sheet column. It is your responsibility to ensure the accuracy of the area you claim.

Fields with more than one use in 2007

3.3.3 You do not need to submit a LBCF if you are using a field for more than one use in 2007. However you must complete a LBCF if some change has occurred to the permanent boundary of the field.

Completion of Land and Business Change Forms

Who should submit this form?

3.3.4 The LBCF can be submitted either by the owner of the field or by the person on whose IACS claim it appears. Where it is not the owner who submits the form, it is very important that we have the owner's name and address, as well as the name and address of the person who completes the form, so that we can inform all interested parties of the change. If you are taking an existing field as a new seasonal let, there is no need to complete a LBCF as the field remains on the owner's farm code.

How many LBCF forms should I complete?

3.3.5 You should complete a separate LBCF for each individual farm code within the IACS business requiring changes. When we have received the LBCF we will send you a LBCF reference number for each completed form. Use this number in any further correspondence about that maintenance request. We will tell you if there are any problems with your LBCF or if we need more information.

Completing the LBCF

3.3.6 Refer to Question 7, and the Guidance Notes with the form. The field change types are:

MOVF (Move Field) Use this code when:

  • An error has occurred and a field has been mapped against the wrong farm code number.
  • A tenancy has finished and the land has been returned to the land owner.
  • A new tenant is taking over occupancy of a holding.

Enter the existing farm code of the unit in the 'Other Farm Code' column. Please ask the other party to fill in Question 18.

BUYF (Buy Field) A field has been bought by the farm code, enter the field identifier and enter the farm code of the seller (if known) detailed in Question 2 in the 'Other Farm Code' column. Please ask the other party to fill in Question 18.

SELF (Sell Field) A field has been sold from the Farm Code detailed at Question 2. Enter the field identifier and the farm code number of the buyer (if known) in the 'Other Farm Code' column. Please ask the other party to fill in Question 18.

REMF (Remove Field) A field, which was in agricultural use and has now been permanently converted to non-agricultural use. State the use the land has gone to in the 'Description of Change' column.

NEWF (New Field) Any field, which has come into agriculture for the first time, and has no 14-digit field identifier, needs to be captured. The identifier entered in Section 3 should match exactly with that entered on the claimant's Field Data Sheet. Where possible use the old OS Field Number (for example NG/3458/0800). If this is not applicable use the format - farm code number/sequential number (for example 050/1234/1). See paragraph 91-92.

MERF (Merged Field) Two or more fields on the same farm code number have merged. Enter the other fields on additional lines.

SPLF (Split Field) One field on the farm has been split into two or more fields.

MODF (Modified Field Boundary) A field has had changes made to its permanent boundaries. If this change affects an adjacent field this must also be included on the LBCF. Where you are modifying a field boundary, it is helpful if you provide measurements to help locate the boundary (for example distance between path and fence 100m, etc).

3.3.7 In the date of change column enter the date when the change came into effect. This date must be retrospective. Only submit the LBCF once the change has been made. Report changes made after 15 May 2007 as soon as they occur. Complete the 'Description of Changes Required' column to help us process your LBCF.

Map requirements for existing applicants

3.3.8 When raising a LBCF with field changes, supply a map with the details of every change that you have made (including new fields) carefully shown, indicating your field boundaries in ink other than blue. If you have an existing FIS map, you must use it to notify changes. If you have a new field, check if the previous owner/occupier has already received a new unique field identifier and use this number. If the field cannot be drawn on the FIS map, supply another map showing the field. The map should be an OS map (or a professional equivalent) at 1:10000 scale (or 1:2500) for fields up to 2000 hectares, and 1:25000 scale (or 1:10000) for fields above 2000 hectares. Make sure that the map sheet reference is marked on the map. Do not use correction fluid when altering your boundaries, mark crosses on the line to be altered and make amendments in ink other than blue.

Map requirements for new applicants

3.3.9 Requirements differ depending on the size of the field that needs to be captured. When raising a LBCF which we have still to action with full changes, supply the following types of map:

  • For a new field up to 2000 hectares, you must submit an OS map at a scale of at least 1:10000 (maps at 1:2500 scale are also acceptable), or a professionally produced equivalent;
  • For a new field above 2000 hectares, the map should be at a scale of at least 1:25000 (maps at 1:10000 scale are also acceptable).

Your map(s) must include:

  • The farm code number(s) of the holding;
  • For each field, the field boundary in blue and the area in hectares to 2 decimal places. Note that acres are not acceptable. To convert from acres to hectares divide by 2.471; and
  • For each field, the reference number which you have used on your Field Data Sheet.

LMCMS mapping requirements

3.3.10 Option 1- Option 5

There are no mapping requirements for these options.

3.3.11 Option 6 - Option 17

Your IACS(3) Field Data Sheets show the unique 14-digit reference for each field you declared. Please use these same field identifiers to give us the location of the features you are managing under options 6 to 17. If you do not know this, contact the current/previous owner/tenant, to check if unique field identifiers have been allocated.

If the field has never been allocated a field identifier, complete your field data sheet and Column C of the Menu scheme application form using either the map sheet reference, followed by a forward slash (/) and the four digit OS number printed on the 1:2500 series OS map (for example NJ/3760/2701), or your farm code number/sequential field number (for example 123/4567/1). You will then need to complete a LBCF and send us a map showing the location of the field(s).

You are advised to send in your LBCF along with your SAF by 15 May 2007. You must also supply a map showing where the fields are located. We cannot pay you until these field(s) have been given unique identifier(s) and been checked against the field register. We will update your claim with any identifier information that becomes available. Please use the SAME identifier on the Menu scheme application as used on the LBCF and SAF.

3.3.12 Option 6 - Buffer areas

You must also prepare a sketch map which clearly shows the buffer areas you plan to manage. Keep this map safe as you must be able to show it to us at inspections. Do not send it to us with your application form.

3.3.13 Option 7 - Management of linear features

For this option please enter the length or area of the feature to be managed against the relevant 'field identifier' ( FID) under columns M and N of the SAF Field Data Sheet ( IACS (3)).

3.3.14 Option 15 - Improving access

If the path goes through or alongside any of your land that is registered with IACS use the field identifier of either a field it runs alongside or through, on your field data sheet. If the path does go through or alongside any of your land that is not registered with IACS please complete a LBCF as above.

You must also prepare a sketch map which clearly shows the location of the path you propose to manage and the location and type of items (gates and so on) you want refunds for. Keep this map safe as you must be able to show it to us. You must also send a copy of the map to your Local Access Officer. Do not send it to us with your application form.

3.3.15 Option 17 - Farm woodland management ( FWM)

Note that all woodland is required to be IACS registered. If the woodland is not on IACS registered land please complete a LBCF as above to allow us to allocate a field identifier to these parcels of land.

Special Categories

Common Grazings

3.3.16 The Grazings Clerk or other appointed person should submit an LBCF relating to changes to the Common Grazing. Forms relating to apportionments from the Common Grazing must only be submitted once the apportionment has been officially approved and a Final Order produced by the Crofter's Commission.

3.3.17 Only Common Grazings not previously declared require a new map. If you are submitting a SAF for the first time, and you use a Common Grazing as part of your forage area, then we require a map of 1:25000 scale covering the whole Common Grazing. Your application will not be processed until the map is supplied. Since only one map of the grazing is necessary, you may wish to arrange with others who share in the Common Grazing for this to be submitted to the relevant SEERAD Area Office by the Township Clerk, Grazing Constable or other suitable person on behalf of the Township, Sheep Stock Club or Grazings Committee.

3.3.18 The boundary of the Common Grazing should be marked on the map and the person who submits the map should sign it on behalf of all shareholders. The map should show (or be accompanied by) a list of all shareholders with their allocated shares. Any apportionments granted should be clearly marked on the map and the map and the area of the Common Grazings (excluding apportioned land) should be marked in hectares. If you are having difficulties supplying a map or identifying apportionments please consult your SEERAD Area Office, who will advise on appropriate sources of information.

3.3.19 Agri-Environment and Forestry Schemes

  • A LBCF is required and a field identifier given if an area has never previously been captured and is not part of an existing field.
  • A LBCF will be accepted and a field identifier given if the area is part of an existing field but over 1 hectare and fenced off from the remaining area of the field, but only where the area is to be permanently enclosed, for example an area to be managed under an Agri-Environment scheme.
  • A LBCF is not required when:
    - The area is part of an existing field already covered by a unique field identifier and under 1 hectare, whether fenced off or not;
    - The area concerned is already covered by unique field identifiers and is to be enclosed and managed separately only for the lifetime of an Agri-Environment scheme agreement, for example a water margin, wetland area or pond to be created within a field already identified by a unique field identifier.

Ineligible Areas (Unusable areas, such as roads, yards, buildings, ponds)

3.3.20 The areas printed on your FIS map are for the gross plan area of the field. This includes ineligible areas, such as rocky outcrops and buildings contained within the field. It is your responsibility to ensure that you deduct any ineligible land when you claim. Do not complete forms to remove these areas from fields.

Who to contact if you require additional information about the Field Register

3.3.21 You can call the FIS team on 0131 244 1938 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Thursday and between 9am and 4.30pm on Fridays. An answer machine service is available outside these hours. If you wish to write regarding a query, write to the FIS Team, SEERAD, Room 028, Pentland House, 47 Robb's Loan, Edinburgh, EH14 1TY.

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