Social Security Scotland: framework document

Sets out the detailed accountability and governance framework for Social Security Scotland, and the context for the Agency's relationship with Scottish Ministers and core Scottish Government Directorates.

Asset and Property Management

91. The Agency shall maintain an accurate and up-to-date record of its current and non-current assets consistent with SPFM. Non-current assets will also be disposed of in accordance with SPFM. The SG's Property Division will be notified of relevant proposed disposals of property that the Agency holds for operational purposes at the earliest opportunity. Any proposal to acquire (by new or extended lease or purchase) land, buildings or other rights in property for accommodation and/or operational purposes will comply with SPFM. The Agency is subject to the SG Asset Management Policy [11] , including the requirement for any new commitments relating to property for accommodation and/or operational purposes to be signed off by Scottish Ministers. Information concerning the Agency will be accurately recorded and updated as necessary by the Agency on the Cabinet Office electronic Property Information Mapping System (e- PIMS).


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