Health and work strategy: review report

The report from the review of the Scottish Government's health and work strategy.

2. Summary of Recommendations

To enable and support everyone with a health condition or disability to access fair and healthy work that is sustainable and accommodating of their individual needs (and where this is not possible to ensure dignity and social and economic inclusion).

1.1 Adopt learning from the Individual Placement and Support approach to employability for people with wider health conditions and disabilities who are seeking work.

1.2 Increase the number of people able to gain support through the Access to Work scheme.

1.3 Encourage recruitment practices that are fully supportive of, and not inadvertently creating barriers for, people with health conditions and disabilities.

1.4 Strengthen integration of Health and Social Care into Fair Start to minimise the impact on individuals of health and disability as barriers to work.

To maximise the availability of Fair and Healthy Work for all that protects and improves health and which balances personal, societal and business needs, and which enables an individual to work, with support and adaptation where required, for as long as they wish to.

2.1 Maximise access to and uptake of on-line advice and support on fair and healthy work.

2.2 Ensure adequate skills and capacity are in place to support employers improve their workplace health practice - both locally and nationally.

2.3 Encourage innovation and learning in relation to workplace health practice – especially in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises.

2.4 Improve the co-ordination of interactions with employers between employer facing government activities.

2.5 Improve the skills and confidence of employers/managers to contribute to improved mental health and wellbeing.

2.6 Quantify and track the development of fair and healthy work in Scotland.

2.7 Ensure a robust regulatory, inspection and enforcement environment.

To support individuals with a disability or health condition, including long-term life limiting conditions such as cancer, where appropriate to their needs, to remain in work, return to quickly in the event of an absence, and where necessary access alternative work.

3.1 Improve the utilisation of the fit-note and the quality of return to work advice provided to employers and employees.

3.2 Mainstream funding for the Working Health Services Scotland 'pilot' as the single access point to occupational health/health and work support for employees out-with the Health and Work Support Pilot areas.

3.3 Proactively support those at risk of losing work because of a health condition or disability that cannot be accommodated by their existing employer, to find appropriate employment.

3.4 Incentivise employers to invest in the health and wellbeing of their employees.

3.5 Develop specific support in collaboration with third sector support organisations for employees with life limiting conditions.

Underpinning and Cross-Cutting Actions to support Fair and Healthy Work

4.1 Bring Health and Work and Fair Work together in policy terms.

4.2 Fair and Healthy Work to be an explicit priority across all Directorates of Scottish Government and its national agencies.

4.3 Establish a single, integrated National Occupational Health body for Scotland.

4.4 Maximise the role of professionals in the wider health and social care system to consider how they can actively contribute to helping people access, remain in and return to Fair and Healthy Work.

4.5 Undertake targeted marketing to ensure employers are aware of sources of support and advice, including service support for their staff, and employers make use of them.

4.6 Ensure on-going strategic oversight to ensure policy and practice is responsive to the rapidly changing employment and workplace environment.

4.7 Stakeholders are fully engaged in the on-going development of the agenda and the refinement and implementation of actions.



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