
Evaluation of Scottish transitional employment services: interim report August 2018

How programme design impacted the quality of delivery and customers’ experience of Work First and Work Able Scotland services in the first 6 months after launch.

Appendix 5 – Demographic profile of sample WAS customers

Table A5 Demographic profile of sample WAS customers April – October 2017

Gender WAS Customer Sample (201) % SDS CTS MIS Apr-Oct 2017 (777) %
Male 57% 57%
Female 43% 43%
16-24 10% 10%
25 to 34 24% 25%
35 to 44 21% 21%
45 to 54 27% 27%
55 to 64 18% 18%
65 plus 0% 0%
White British 97% n/a
Other 3% n/a
Refused/Prefer not to say 0% n/a
Level of Education
National 1 or 2 2% n/a
National 3 11% n/a
National 4 or 5 26% n/a
Highers/ SVQ3 8% n/a
Advanced higher or equivalent 11% n/a
Degree or above 12% n/a
Other professional, technical or management qualification 1% n/a
Other 8% n/a
None of the above 16% n/a
Don't know/Prefer not to say 5% n/a
Health conditions and disabilities Total/ Primary All reported
Mental health condition 71% / 43% 66%
Long-term illness, disease or condition 48% / 20% 21%
Physical disability 32% / 11% 18%
Learning difficulty 17% / 5% 12%
Deafness or partial hearing loss 7% / 0% 4%
Learning disability 5% / 1% -
Blindness or partial sight loss 6% / 1% 3%
Developmental disorder 5% / 2% 9%
No condition 3% / 3% -

Source: IFF Research telephone survey of 201 WFS customers and SDS CTS MIS for April to October 2017.

SDS CTS multiple disabilities are included but 96 customers had no input and are excluded


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