
Evaluation of Scottish transitional employment services: interim report August 2018

How programme design impacted the quality of delivery and customers’ experience of Work First and Work Able Scotland services in the first 6 months after launch.

Appendix 4 – Demographic profile of sample WFS clients

Table A4 Demographic profile of sample WFS clients April – Oct 2017

Gender WFS Customer Sample (499) % Combined Provider MIS Apr-Oct 2017 (3,208) %
Male 65% 65%
Female 35% 35%
16-24 16% 16%
25 to 34 22% 22%
35 to 44 19% 20%
45 to 54 25% 25%
55 to 64 17% 17%
65 plus 1% 0%
White British 92% 86%*
Other 7% 6%
Refused/Prefer not to say 1% 8%
Level of Education
National 1 or 2 2% n/a
National 3 13% n/a
National 4 or 5 24% n/a
Highers/ SVQ3 9% n/a
Advanced higher or equivalent 10% n/a
Degree or above 14% n/a
Other professional, technical or management qualification 3% n/a
Other 5% n/a
None of the above 14% n/a
Don't know/Prefer not to say 7% n/a
Health conditions and disabilities Total/ Primary Primary
Mental health condition 41% / 27% 34%
Long-term illness, disease or condition** 43% / 23% 26%
Physical disability** 30% / 14% 17%
Learning difficulty 23% / 9% 7%
Deafness or partial hearing loss 9% / 3% 4%
Learning disability 8% / 3% 5%
Blindness or partial sight loss 7% / 3% 3%
Developmental disorder 5% / 2% 2%
No condition 11% / 11% 0%

Source: IFF Research telephone survey of 499 WFS customers and combined WFS provider MIS for April to October 2017.

*Ethnicity data for one provider was not available and so these percentages are based on two providers only.

**Primary conditions in the combined provider MIS do not match precisely those from the survey so these categories combine long-term conditions and other health conditions and physical disability and restricted mobility, respectively.


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