
Evaluation of Scottish transitional employment services: interim report August 2018

How programme design impacted the quality of delivery and customers’ experience of Work First and Work Able Scotland services in the first 6 months after launch.

Appendix 3 – Approach to the evaluation

The approach undertaken for the phase 1 process evaluation comprised:

  • A review of Monitoring Information to allow us to take an overview of the nature of WFS's and WAS's respective client groups; the types of assistance taken up by clients; and their destinations and outcomes by any observable differences in characteristics
  • Partner interviews (8) with Scottish Government, Skills Development Scotland, Jobcentre Plus and the Department for Work and Pensions
  • Lead providers management interviews with 10 representatives of WFS and WAS providers
  • Two f ocus groups with 21 Jobcentre Plus Work Coaches and Disability Employment advisers
  • Provider frontline adviser focus groups (five groups involving 16 advisers) to review the delivery issues in WFS and WAS and their perspective on what works with different types of customer
  • Telephone interviews with supply-chain providers (25) exploring their perspective on WFS and WAS delivery. We also interviewed three Statutory Referral Organisations ( SROs) on their perspectives on referral of potential customers.
  • Focus groups and telephone interviews with SG WFS Performance Managers and SDS Skills Investment Advisers on compliance and quality control procedures and programme performance
  • The first wave of a two-wave customer survey undertaken January to February 2018 comprising customers starting the programme April-October 2017. The telephone survey completed 700 interviews (499 WFS and 201 WAS customers).
  • A range of health condition support networks were contacted to explore whether this may offer a route to engage with people with long-term health conditions about their attitudes to and barriers to employment, perceptions of the programme and any reasons for not participating. Initial discussions with 10 networks provided a mixed response especially to involving their members, but we were able to interview two Occupational Therapists on their views on non-participants' perspective on employment.
  • Case study interviews with employers (17) focusing on their reasons for participating; perceptions of the programme and their expectations of potential clients' capacity and skills; job design, support and coping with problems (when things go wrong for the client) and future plans; will they recruit from this client group again in future and if not why not.


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