Teaching profession - diversity: annual data report - March 2021

Version 1 of a new annual publication which aims to gather and share data relating to the diversity of the teaching profession in order to inform and evaluate future work.


1. Teaching in a diverse Scotland: increasing and retaining minority ethnic teachers

2. Race Equality Framework & Action Plan

3. In 2011 Census, 84% of Scotland's population reported their ethnicity as "White Scottish" and a further 8% as "White: Other British". Minority ethnic groups accounted for 4% of the population. The 4% population figure does not include Irish, White: Polish, White: Gypsy/Traveller and "White: Other white"

4. This only considers teacher recruitment, the increase required for minority ethnic ITE intake numbers to obtain this target is likely to be higher.

5. Teaching in a diverse Scotland - increasing and retaining minority ethnic teachers: 3 years on

6. School education statistics

7. Approximately 5% of the teaching workforce have an unknown ethnicity or choose not to disclose their ethnicity.

8. Protecting Scotland, Renewing Scotland: The Government's Programme for Scotland 2020-2021

9. The term 'Teacher Training' is used throughout the HESA data. This is known as 'Initial Teacher Education' in Scotland.

10. Promoted posts includes teachers with grade as head teachers, deputy head teacher or principal teachers

11. Teachers includes teacher with grade as teachers or chartered teacher

12. Scotland's Census


Email: sian.balfour@gov.scot

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