Teaching profession - diversity: annual data report - March 2021

Version 1 of a new annual publication which aims to gather and share data relating to the diversity of the teaching profession in order to inform and evaluate future work.

3. Next Steps

The Scottish Government is committed to continuing to support efforts to diversify Scotland's teaching profession as reflected in the most recent Programme for Government[8] commitment. As part of this work, Scottish Government will address the under representation of minority ethnic teachers in Scotland by exploring supportive pathways into teaching for minority ethnic and other underrepresented groups. This commits Scottish Government to ensuring that the diversity of Scottish society is recognised and represented in the education workforce, at all levels, in line with the ambitions of the Race Equality Framework.

Increasing the diversity of the teaching profession has also been identified as one of the key workstreams of a new programme of Race Equality in Education work. Professor Arshad's report and associated working group have helped create the conditions for change and our commitment to the continuation of these ambitions, as part of the new programme, will result in increased numbers of minority ethnic teachers, at all levels in Scotland's schools.

The data contained in this report will be used to inform the actions taken to meet these commitments and future reports will be used to evaluate progress towards achieving change.


Email: sian.balfour@gov.scot

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