
Deposit return scheme for Scotland: business and regulatory impact assessment

Final Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA), which is a development of the partial BRIA published in June 2018 and the full BRIA published in July 2019.

18.0 Annex D: Test Run of Business Forms

Annex D.1: Test run of business form methodology details

1. In total three workshops were undertaken. Three or four respondents participated in each workshop. In addition, six telephone interviews were conducted with either one, two or three respondents.

2. Workshops/interviews were undertaken between the 18 November and 2 December 2019.

3. Participants were recruited through the DRS Implementation Advisory Group (IAG) Scheme Administrator working group, the IAG Producer working group and the IAG Retailer working group.

4. Everyone who volunteered and was able to make the workshops was accepted. Where workshop attendance was not possible, telephone interviews were also conducted. The only people who came forward and couldn't be included in the test were those who weren’t available for the initial workshops and/or did not respond to the offer of a telephone interview within the feedback collection period. The trade association members of the IAG Scheme Administrator Group put forward representatives to take part, e.g. the Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA), the National Federation of Retail newsagents (NFRN) and the British Soft Drinks Association (BSDA). Mull and Iona Community Trust were also interviewed as they had expressed an interest in becoming a Voluntary Return Point.

5. An incentive of £50 compensated workshop attendees for travel costs and time and encouraged participation.

6. In total, three moderators were involved in the test.

7. Stimulus materials used during the group discussions/depth interviews were DRS business forms.

8. All research projects undertaken comply fully with the requirements of ISO 20252, the GDPR and the MRS Code of Conduct.

Table of participants:

Annex D Table 1. Participants in Test Run of Business Forms
Form(s) tested Organisation Number of represent-tatives Participant involvement in
DRS working groups
‘Producer Registration form’ and ‘A Scheme Administrator for Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme: Application Form and Operational Plan Template’ Coca Cola European partner 1 Member of Scheme Administrator working group.
C&C Tennent’s 1 Organisation representation in both Scheme Administrator and Producer & Distributor working groups (not participant).
Dunns Food and Drink 1 Not a member of any working groups.
Nestle Waters 1 Not a member of any groups at point when provided feedback. Now a member of the Producer & Distributor group.
Scottish Beer and Pub Association 1 Member of Scheme Administrator and Producer & Distributor working groups.
AB InBev 1 Member of the Producer & Distributor working group.
Bestway/Batleys Wholesale 1 Not a member of any working groups.
Highland Spring/Natural Source Water Association 1 Member of Scheme Administrator working group. Organisation representation in the Producer & Distributor working group (not participant).
‘Applicant Form for Return Point Exemption and Voluntary Return Point Approval’ MICT 2 Not members of any working groups.
NFRN 2 Member of the Scheme Administrator and Retailer working groups (1 participant only).
Aldi 1 Organisation representation in both Scheme Administrator and Retailer working groups (not participant).
Scottish Grocer’s Federation 1 Member of Scheme Administrator and Retailer working groups.
ACS 1 Member of Retailer working group.
Sainsbury’s 1 Member of Scheme Administrator and Retailer working groups.
Waitrose 3 Member of Retailer working group (1 participant only).
Organisation representation in Scheme Administrator working group (not participants).

Annex D.2 and Annex D.3 are available as associated downloadable PDFs.



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