
Criminal Justice Social Work Statistics 2011-12

This statistical bulletin presents national level information on activity relating to community penalties in Scotland, including Criminal Justice Social Work Reports and “social work orders” - made up of Community Payback Orders (CPOs), the predecessors to CPOs (Community Service Orders, Probation Orders and Supervised Attendance Orders) and Drug Treatment & Testing Orders.

Table 1 Summary of Reports, Orders, Individuals and Cases, 2005-06 to 2011-12

Type of report/order etc. 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Criminal Justice Social Work Reports (CJSWRs)
Total CJSWRs submitted (1,2) 41,427 40,848 41,986 42,472 40,762 37,504 36,367
Number of individuals with CJSW reports submitted 27,466 28,349 28,947 29,247 28,888 27,371 26,922
Total Supplementary CJSW reports submitted 6,594 5,842 6,100 6,159 6,031 5,493 4,488
Number of CJSW reports requested 50,241 50,698 49,620 51,208 47,095 44,031 42,054
Social work orders:
Total orders commenced 18,777 18,061 19,947 20,674 19,865 18,044 19,746
Community Payback Orders (3) .. 10,228
Community Service Orders (4) 5,927 5,937 6,202 6,437 6,429 5,940 3,044
Probation Orders 8,402 8,404 8,706 9,179 8,838 8,136 3,040
With a requirement of unpaid work 2,692 2,499 3,053 3,324 3,236 3,031 1,276
With no requirement of unpaid work 5,710 5,905 5,653 5,855 5,602 5,105 1,764
Supervised Attendance Orders 3,849 3,047 4,438 4,306 3,859 3,307 2,877
Drug Treatment and Testing Orders 599 673 601 752 739 661 557
Total individuals with order(s) commenced 17,317 16,858 18,169 18,786 18,127 16,554 18,044
Community Payback Orders (3) .. 9,376
Community Service Orders (4) 5,656 5,672 5,874 6,124 6,053 5,665 2,933
Probation Orders 7,674 7,851 7,984 8,422 8,182 7,520 2,833
With a requirement of unpaid work 2,570 2,393 2,887 3,135 3,074 2,875 1,228
With no requirement of unpaid work 5,104 5,458 5,097 5,287 5,108 4,645 1,605
Supervised Attendance Orders 3,466 2,745 3,768 3,582 3,219 2,764 2,380
Drug Treatment and Testing Orders 521 590 543 658 673 605 522
Total breach applications 6,572 6,978 7,050 8,531 8,210 7,898 6,861
Community Payback Orders (3) .. 1,391
Community Service Orders (4) 1,502 1,894 2,130 2,052 2,099 1,932 1,316
Probation Orders 3,375 3,650 3,400 4,053 4,300 4,107 2,653
With a requirement of unpaid work 1,110 1,157 1,214 1,645 1,766 1,652 1,070
With no requirement of unpaid work 2,265 2,493 2,186 2,408 2,534 2,455 1,583
Supervised Attendance Orders 1,462 1,125 1,311 2,208 1,615 1,631 1,315
Drug Treatment and Testing Orders 233 309 209 218 196 228 186
Terminations of social work orders 14,798 15,446 16,135 18,889 18,290 17,869 17,213
Community Payback Orders (3) .. 2,616
Community Service Orders (4,5) 5,093 5,432 5,825 6,883 6,737 6,082 4,706
Probation Orders (6) 6,328 6,755 6,849 7,488 7,551 7,883 6,619
Supervised Attendance Orders (7) 2,912 2,724 2,970 3,976 3,414 3,246 2,639
Drug Treatment and Testing Orders (8) 465 535 491 542 588 658 633
Proportion of terminations which were successful completions 60.2 61.5 59.7 59.5 62.5 64.2 68.6
Community Payback Orders (3) .. 68.8
Community Service Orders (4,5) 64.1 65.7 64.6 63.6 69.6 74.0 74.4
Probation Orders (6) 59.2 60.2 58.4 56.6 57.0 59.8 67.1
Supervised Attendance Orders (7) 58.7 61.0 56.7 60.6 63.9 60.1 65.1
Drug Treatment and Testing Orders (8) 40.0 38.9 37.3 39.7 44.7 46.0 53.6
Statutory Throughcare
Throughcare Cases (in the community) Commenced 1,105 1,256 1,056 1,238 1,062 1,046 1,047
Throughcare Cases (in the community) Completed 697 954 879 1,062 845 881 944
Throughcare Cases (in custody) Commenced 1,082 1,228 1,247 1,110 1,019 1,028 1,072
Number of Individuals subject to Statutory Throughcare as at end of financial year(9) 4,901 5,081 5,292 5,388 5,546 5,392 5,576
Voluntary Assistance
Number of Voluntary Assistance Cases Commenced 1,622 2,464 2,681 2,883 2,683 2,725 2,625
Number of individuals receiving voluntary assistance (community and custody) 1,523 2,087 2,253 2,545 2,433 2,350 2,428
Number of TAS Cases Commenced 427 1,339 1,424 1,453 1,523 1,515 1,486
Home Circumstance Reports (HCRs)
Total number of reports 2,126 2,331 2,701 2,854 3,251 3,616 3,425
Number of reports for parole / non-parole 1,361 1,342 1,386 1,624 1,682 1,561 1,502
Number of reports for home leave 765 989 1,315 1,230 1,569 2,055 1,923
Diversion from Prosecution:
Cases commenced 1,198 1,133 956 962 1,053 958 1,260
Number of individuals with cases commenced 1,135 1,089 939 929 933 939 1,231
Cases successfully completed 768 809 818 779 763 800 898
Bail Supervision cases commenced (10) 917 782 729 583 481 450 497
Number of individuals (10) 774 687 657 496 436 430 467

1. Prior to 1st February 2011, Criminal Justice Social Work (CJSW) reports were known as Social Enquiry Reports.
2. Reports submitted to the Courts, including supplementary reports (see Notes & Definitions, paragraph 11.6).
3. Information was not collected from local authorities for community payback orders (CPOs) in the first two months after their introduction on 1 February 2011. Numbers obtained separately from the Scottish Court Service indicated that only a relatively low number of CPOs (around 330) were imposed in 2010-11. The number of individuals given CPOs and the number of breaches and terminations in this period is not known.
4. Community Service Orders excludes Probation Orders with a requirement of unpaid work.
5. Since last publication, changes have been made to the figures for 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11 due to the receipt of revised numbers from Clackmannanshire, Orkney, Shetland and West Lothian.
6. Since last publication, changes have been made to the figures for 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11 due to the receipt of revised numbers from Moray, Orkney and West Lothian.
7. Since last publication, changes have been made to the figures for 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11 due to the receipt of revised numbers from Clackmannanshire, Dundee City and Moray.
8. Since last publication, changes have been made to the figures for 2009-10 and 2010-11 due to the receipt of revised numbers from Glasgow City.
9. Since last publication, a change has been made to the figure for 2010-11, due to the receipt of revised numbers from Glasgow City.
10. Since last publication, a change has been made to the figure for 2010-11, due to the receipt of revised numbers from South Lanarkshire.


Email: Howard Hooper

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