Police Negotiating Board for Scotland: constitution

The Police Negotiating Board for Scotland (PNBS) is a public body that negotiates the pay, terms and conditions of Police Officers in Scotland, through collective bargaining. The constitution sets out how the PNBS will reach agreements, or if failing to agree, how conciliation and/or arbitration is carried out.


17. The constituent bodies listed in paragraph 8, Tables 1 and 2, will nominate those who are to represent them on the Board and where a casual vacancy arises in a constituent body's representation on the Board it is for the constituent body to fill that vacancy.

18. A constituent body may nominate a replacement for a representative who is absent from a meeting by informing the Secretariat. At each meeting, the Chairperson will note the representatives from the constituent bodies and note whether the meeting is quorate.

19. Members of the Board will not receive any remuneration but may receive relevant expenses agreed by Scottish Ministers.


Email: police_division_hub_mailbox@gov.scot

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