Police Negotiating Board for Scotland: constitution

The Police Negotiating Board for Scotland (PNBS) is a public body that negotiates the pay, terms and conditions of Police Officers in Scotland, through collective bargaining. The constitution sets out how the PNBS will reach agreements, or if failing to agree, how conciliation and/or arbitration is carried out.


2. In this constitution:

"the 2012 Act" means the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012;

"the Board" means the Police Negotiating Board for Scotland;

"the Official Side" means the side of the Board that is made up of the representative members listed in Table 1 at paragraph 8;

References to the "Chairperson", include a "Temporary Chairperson", unless otherwise provided;

"the Staff Side" means the side of the Board that is made up of the representative members listed in Table 2 at paragraph 8;

"the Sides" means the Official Side and the Staff Side combined.


Email: police_division_hub_mailbox@gov.scot

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