Police Negotiating Board for Scotland: constitution

The Police Negotiating Board for Scotland (PNBS) is a public body that negotiates the pay, terms and conditions of Police Officers in Scotland, through collective bargaining. The constitution sets out how the PNBS will reach agreements, or if failing to agree, how conciliation and/or arbitration is carried out.

Annual Report

45. The Chairperson will make an annual report to Scottish Ministers at the end of each reporting year, to include:

(a) business processed and length of time taken, with an explanation if any matter has taken over 12 months to be concluded;

(b) attendance, and continuity of representation;

(c) numbers attending meetings;

(d) reference to information provided to the Sides by the Secretariat, either on its own initiative or at the request of the Sides;

(e) the use of arbitration;

(f) evidence that the Board is monitoring its own effectiveness and improving its business processes where justified.

46. The annual report must be submitted to the Scottish Ministers and published within 3 months after the end of each reporting year.

47. "Reporting year" means the period of 12 months up to and including 31 December each year.

48. Before submitting and publishing the Annual Report as mentioned above, the Chairperson must make available to the Sides a draft of the Annual Report and must take into account any comments which the Sides may make on it.


Email: police_division_hub_mailbox@gov.scot

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