Police Negotiating Board for Scotland: constitution

The Police Negotiating Board for Scotland (PNBS) is a public body that negotiates the pay, terms and conditions of Police Officers in Scotland, through collective bargaining. The constitution sets out how the PNBS will reach agreements, or if failing to agree, how conciliation and/or arbitration is carried out.

Arbitration – Qualifying Cases

42. When representations under section 55B(1) of the 2012 Act are made to Scottish Ministers in terms settled through arbitration in a "qualifying case", Scottish Ministers must, in accordance with section 55D of the 2012 Act, take all reasonable steps appearing to them necessary for giving effect to those representations.

43. A "qualifying case" refers to representations made in circumstances set out in regulations made by the Scottish Ministers under section 55D(2) and paragraph 8(2) of schedule 2A of the 2012 Act.

44. There may be two qualifying cases in any one reporting year. One of these cases will involve the 'annual pay award', unless the PNBS agrees there is no requirement for an 'annual pay award' in that reporting year (for example in the event that a multi-year pay settlement has previously been agreed by PNBS and continues to apply).


Email: police_division_hub_mailbox@gov.scot

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