Welfare of cattle: code of practice

The aim of the code is to help those responsible for cattle to look after them properly.

Appendix A

Publications related to cattle welfare


A guidance leaflet on the Weeds Act 1959 is available from the Scottish Government Natural Heritage Management Team (Tel. 0131 244 4750).

A guidance leaflet on the prevention of ragwort is available from the Scottish Government.

For further information and copies of the Codes of Recommendations for the Welfare of Livestock: Animal Health and Biosecurity contact the Scottish Government Rural Directorate (Tel. 0300 244 6673).


British Standard for milking machine installations

BS/ ISO 3918, 5707 and 6690 (2007)

British Standard on the design and construction of cattle buildings, BS5502 Part 40

Code of practice on the responsible use of animal medicines on the farm (2001) (Veterinary Medicines Directorate)

You can get copies of the legislation quoted in this code from the Stationery Office at:

TSO Publications
Telephone orders: 0870 600 5522
Website: http://www.tsoshop.co.uk


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