
Citizens' forums, and attitudes to agriculture, environment and rural priorities: research report

Results of an independent study into Scottish public attitudes to the environment, agriculture and rural development.


1. Scottish Government 2018: A future strategy for Scottish agriculture: final report

2. Ibid.

3. Scottish Government 2018: Stability and simplicity: proposals for a rural funding transition period

4. National Council for Rural Advisers 2018: A blueprint for Scotland's rural economy: recommendations to Scottish Ministers

5. Bateman et al. 2018: Public funding for public goods: A post-Brexit perspective on principles for agricultural policy. Land Use Policy volume 79: pp 293-300

6. Bateman 2017. Recommendations for a post-Brexit agricultural policy: a fair deal for farming and forestry. Putting Down New Roots: Woods, Trees and the Post-CAP Landscape, Woodland Trust

7. Food Standards Scotland 2018 Consumer Tracker Survey

8. Social grade is a classification system based on occupation and it enables a household and all its members to be classified according to the occupation of the Chief Income Earner (CIE). ABC1 corresponds with CIE who is in a higher, managerial administrative and professional occupation or supervisory, clerical, junior managerial occupation. C2DE corresponds with the CIE who is in a skilled manual occupation, semi-skilled or unskilled occupation, or is unemployed.

9. Ibid.

10. House of Lords, European Union Committee 2017 Brexit: agriculture

11. Scottish Government 2018: Climate Change Plan - The Third Report on Proposals and Policies 2018-2032

12. Scottish Government 2016: Key Scottish Environment Statistics

13. Scottish Government 2019: Scotland's Forestry Strategy 2019-2029

14. James Hutton Institute 2018: Soil Governance in Scotland - Mapping the Institutional Architecture

15. SPICE Briefing 2016: Implications of Leaving the EU on Forestry

16. Scottish Government 2018: Process Evaluation of Leader 2014-2020

17. Scottish Government 2015: Scottish Household Survey

18. Scottish Government 2018: Understanding the Scottish Rural Economy

19. The Scottish Government Urban Rural Classification provides a standard definition of rural areas in Scotland. The definitions of each of these categories are as follows: Large urban areas - Settlements of 125,000 or more people; Other urban areas - Settlements of 10,000 to 124,999 people; Accessible small towns - Settlements of 3,000 to 9,999 people and within 30 minutes' drive of a settlement of 10,000 or more; Remote small towns - Settlements of 3,000 to 9,999 people and with a drive time of over 30 minutes to a settlement of 10,000 or more; Accessible rural - Areas with a population of less than 3,000 people, and within a 30 minute drive time of a settlement of 10,000 or more; Remote rural - Areas with a population of less than 3,000 people, and with a drive time of over 30 minutes to a settlement of 10,000 or more.

20. Bosworth and Atterton 2012: Entrepreneurial In-migration and Neo-endogenous Rural Development, Journal of Rural Sociology

21. Atterton et al. 2018 After Brexit 10 Key Questions for Rural Policy in Scotland

22. McKee et al. 2018 Increasing the Availability of Farmland for New Entrants to Agriculture in Scotland, report prepared by the James Hutton Institute for Scottish Land Commission

23. Scottish Government 2018: Scottish Agricultural Census

24. Scottish Government 2018: Women in Farming and the Agricultural Sector

25. House of Lords, European Union Committee 2017 Brexit: agriculture

26. Given that one option, the option of supporting a 'stable sector', was removed before Citizens' Forum participants voted, it appear that the votes in the national survey cast for this option have been spread across options 2 and 3, as the rest of the vote spread is quite consistent with the results from the national survey.

27. Johnson 2001: Reforming EU Farm Policy: Lessons from New Zealand:

28. Oral evidence submitted to the House of Lords European Union Committee 2018 for Agriculture after Brexit

29. European Commission 2017: The common agricultural policy at a glance

30. Highlands and Islands Enterprise 2016: Business panel report

31. Scottish Government 2014: The New Common Agricultural Policy in Scotland

32. Bateman, et al. 2018: Public funding for public goods: A post-Brexit perspective on principles for agriculture policy, Land Use Policy volume 79 pp. 293-300

33. Shortall, S 2007 Public Attitudes Towards the Countryside in Northern Ireland: Full Research Report ESRC

34. Scottish Government 2017: An Interim Discussion Document from the Scottish Government's Agriculture Champions

35. Dieter Helm 2017 Agriculture after Brexit, Oxford Review of Economic Policy

36. House of Lords, European Union Committee 2016 Responding to price volatility: creating a more resilient agricultural sector

37. Oral evidence submitted to the House of Lords European Union Committee 2018 for Agriculture after Brexit

38. SRUC 2018, Changing land management

39. Government of Canada 2016 Canadian Agricultural Outlook

40. Johnson 2001, Reforming EU Farm Policy: Lessons from New Zealand

41. House of Lords, European Union Committee 2017 Brexit: agriculture

42. Scottish Government 2017: Potential Implications for Rural Scotland of the UK leaving the EU

43. Cardwell and Smith 2018: The UK Agri-food sector, Brexit and International Trade: Opportunities and Challenges:

44. European Commission 2018: EU New Zealand Trade Agreement

45. Highlands and Islands Enterprise 2016: Business panel report

46. Scottish Government 2018: Understanding the Scottish rural economy

47. Scottish Government 2018: Understanding the Scottish rural economy

48. Scottish Environment Link 2018 Poll on the Common Agricultural Policy

49. European Commission, Eurobarometer 2018 Public opinion on the common agricultural policy

50. Scottish Government 2018 Women in Farming and the Agriculture Sector

51. McKee et al. 2018 Increasing the Availability of Farmland for New Entrants to Agriculture in Scotland, report prepared by the James Hutton Institute for Scottish Land Commission

52. European Commission 2018: Agriculture and rural development

53. European Commission 2018: The Budget, the CAP after 2020

54. Scottish Government 2018: Climate Change Plan - The Third Report on Proposals and Policies 2018-2032

55. James Hutton Institute 2018: Soil Governance in Scotland - Mapping the Institutional Architecture

56. Scottish Government 2018: Scotland's Forestry Strategy 2019-2029

57. SPICE Briefing 2016: Implications of Leaving the EU on Forestry

58. Scottish Government 2016 Key Scottish Environment Statistics 2016

59. Consumer Futures Unit, Citizens'' Advice Scotland 2018 Untapped Potential: Consumer views on water policy

60. Ray 2000: The EU Leader Programme: Rural Development Laboratory, Sociologia Ruralis Vol. 40, No 2

61. SPICE Briefing 2016: European Union Funding in Scotland 2014-2020

62. Applecross Landscape Partnership:

63. Highlands and Islands Enterprise: Community Account Management

64. Ray 2000: The EU Leader Programme: Rural Development Laboratory, Sociologia Ruralis Vol. 40, No 2

65. Shortall and Shucksmith 2001: Rural development in practice: issues arising in Scotland and Northern Ireland, Oxford University Press, Journal of Community Development

66. European Network for Rural Development 2018: Smart Villages Revitalising Rural Services

67. Atterton et al. 2018 After Brexit: 10 Key Questions for Rural Policy in Scotland

68. Rennie and Billing 2015, Changing community perceptions of sustainable rural development in Scotland, Journal of Rural and Community Development

69. Shucksmith 2016: Re-imagining the rural: from rural idyll to the good countryside, Journal of Rural Studies

70. OECD 2006: The New Rural Paradigm: Policies and Governance

71. Bosworth and Atterton 2012: Entrepreneurial In-migration and Neo-endogenous Rural Development, Journal of Rural Sociology

72. Atterton 2007: The 'Strength of Weak Ties': Social Networking by Business Owners in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland

73. National Council for Rural Advisers 2018: A New Blueprint for Scotland's Rural Economy: Recommendations to Scottish Minsters

74. Shucksmith M and Schafft K (2012) Poverty and Social Exclusion in the UK and US, in Shucksmith M, Brown D, Shortall S, Vergunst J and Warner M (eds) Rural Transformations and Rural Policies in the US and UK, Routledge.

75. Bailey, N. Bramley, G. and Gannon, M. (2016) Poverty and social exclusion in urban and rural areas of Scotland, Poverty and Social Exclusion UK Survey 2012 Working Paper

76. Scottish Government 2009 The Experience of Rural Poverty in Scotland: Qualitative Research with Organisations Working with People Experiencing Poverty in Rural Areas

77. Highlands and Islands Enterprise 2016 A Minimum Income Standard for Remote Rural Scotland 2016

78. Scottish Government 2018: Understanding the Scottish rural economy


80. It is important to note that, given the small numbers involved, a single person represents over 2% of the sample.

81. Given the topic it was considered important to ensure a balance of urban and rural voices within the discussions, thus the recruitment process intentionally sought a 50/50 split, while recognising the difference between this and a completely representative sample of the entire Scottish population.

82. Given that one option, the option of supporting a 'stable sector', was removed before Citizens' Forum participants voted, it appear that the votes in the national survey cast for this option have been spread across options 2 and 3, as the rest of the vote spread is quite consistent with the results from the national survey.



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