
Citizens' forums, and attitudes to agriculture, environment and rural priorities: research report

Results of an independent study into Scottish public attitudes to the environment, agriculture and rural development.


Participants at the Citizens' Forums were asked to identify key principles that should underpin the agricultural sector in Scotland. In Motherwell, participants developed 10 different principles, and similarly in Montrose participants developed 13 different principles, which are detailed in full in the methodological findings from the Citizens' Forums in the annex of the report.

There were a number of common and consistent themes identified from the principles at each Citizens' Forum which have been grouped together. These grouped principles have informed the shape of the report as they point to key aspects of consideration when thinking about the development of future agricultural policy in Scotland. Findings from each of the methodological elements of the research are interspersed in the remainder of the report.

Figure 1.1: Key Principles that should underpin future agricultural policy

Figure 1.1: Key Principles that should underpin future agricultural policy



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