
Chief Medical Officer's Annual Report 2014-15

The Chief Medical Officer Annual Report 2014 -2015 explores the challenges that face doctors today.


Audit Scotland Report: NHS in Scotland 2015.

Pulling Together: Transforming urgent care for the people of Scotland. The Report of the independent review of Primary Care Out of Hours in Scotland;

Patients Preferences Matter The Kings Fund. May 2012

Zhang et al: "Quality of death and per capita cost" Archives of Internal Medicine. 2009; 169: 480-8

Henry Jacob Bigelow [Mar 1818 - Oct 1890]: Professor of Surgery, Harvard University.

"Streptomycin in the treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis: A Medical Research Council investigation" Br Med J: 2 (4582): 769-82: Oct 30th 1948

Healthcare Improvement Scotland: 2015: Strategic delivery plan for medicines: June 2015. Healthcare Improvement Scotland.

"Being Mortal: Medicine and what matters in the end" Atul Gawande: Metroplitan Books 1st Edition. Oct 2014
: Ameristat: National Centre for Health Statistics.

Supreme Court judgement Montgomery vs NHS Lanarkshire

SPSO Newsletter August 2015

Coulter A., Ellins J. Patient-focused interventions a review of the evidence Picker Institute Europe 2006 p63

Ubel P., Angott A., Zikmund-Fisher J. Physicians Recommend Different Treatments for Patients Than They Would Choose for Themselves Arch Intern Med. 2011;171(7):630-634. doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2011.91

Safeer R. Keenan J. The gap between physicians and patients Am Fam Physician. 2005 Aug 1;72(3):463-468

Easton P. Entwistle V. Williams B. How the stigma of low literacy can impair patient-professional spoken interactions and affect health: insights from a qualitative investigation BMC Health Services Research 2013, 13:319

Shokrohalli K. Request for treatment: the evolution of consent Huntarian Lecture Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2010; 92: 93-100

Scottish Cosmetic Interventions Expert Group Report

The Charter of Patient Rights and Responsibility Scottish Government

Consent: Patients and doctors making decisions together General Medical Council

NHS Inform. Consent - It's your decision

NHS Inform. Getting the most out of your healthcare appointments.

Making it Easy: A Health Literacy Action Plan for Scotland Scottish Government 2014

Hacking B. et al. Testing the feasibility, acceptability and effectiveness of a "decision navigation" intervention for early stage prostate cancer patients in Scotland - a randomised controlled trial Psycho-Oncology : Vol 22; 5 p1017-24 2013

National Patient Safety Agency: May 2007 report

GMC: Good Medical Practice 2013 - Duties of a doctor.

NHS choices. "Prozac nation" claim as antidepressant use soars.

The Prevention and Management of Falls in the Community A Framework for Action for Scotland 2014/2015

Suicide risk assessment and intervention in people with mental illness

While, D., Bickley, H., Roscoe, A., Windfuhr, K., Rahman, S., Shaw, J., Appleby, L. & Kapur, N (2012). Implementation of mental health service recommendations in England and Wales and suicide rates, 1997-2006: a cross-sectional and before-and-after observational study. Lancet, eScholarID:157404| PMID:22305767| DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)61712-1

Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000: A Guide to Communication and Assessing Capacity. This guide is designed for social work and healthcare staff however, other carers may find the guide useful.

GMC. Confidentiality.

Giona, F. & Staats, B. (2015). Why organisations don't learn. Harvard Business Review.

Lucas, B. & Nacer, H. (2015). The habits of an improver. Thinking about learning for improvement in healthcare. London: The Health Foundation.

Sung et al. (2003) Central challenges facing the national clinical research enterprise. JAMA 289, 1278-1287.

Morris et al. (2011) The answer is 17 years, what is the question: understanding time lags in translational research. J R Soc Med. 104, 510-520.

Contopoulos-Ioannidis et al. (2008) Life cycle of translational research for medical interventions. Science. 321, 1298-1299.

Buxton et al. (2008) Medical research: what's it worth? Estimating the economic benefits from medical research in the UK. Report for the Medical research Council, the Wellcome Trust and the Academy of Medical Sciences and briefing note on key findings.

Glover et al. (2014) Estimating the returns to the UK publicly funded cancer-related research in terms of the net value of improved health outcomes. BMC Medicine. 12, 99-119.

Cooksey (2006) A review of UK health research funding.

NHS Research Scotland

Trochim et al. (2011) Evaluating translational research: a process marker model. Clin Transl Sci. 4, 153-162.

Hanney et al. (2015) How long does biomedical research take? Studying the time taken between biomedical and health research. Health Research Policy and Systems 2015, 13:1

Macleod et al. (2014) Biomedical research: increasing value, reducing waste. Lancet. 383, 101-104 and papers referenced therein.

Moher et al. (2015) Increasing value and reducing waste in biomedical research: who's listening? Lancet. James Lind Alliance

Association of Medical Research Charities (2009) Natural ground: Paths to patient and public involvement for medical research.

Accelerated Access Review

Accelerated Access Review Interim Report. Review of innovative medicines and medical technologies, supported by the Wellcome Trust

National Records of Scotland (2015), Vital Events - Deaths,

Data from Scottish Health Surveys 2012-14 Barnett et al. the Lancet. 2012; 380: 37-43 Scottish Government (2015), Scottish Health Survey 2014

ISD. Primary 1 Body Mass Index (BMI) Statistics School Year 2013/14.

Scottish Government (2014), Supporting Healthy Choices: A Framework for Voluntary Action

C3 Collaborating for Health (2011), The benefits of physical activity for health and wellbeing.

Department of Health and Human Services (2008) Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee Report, Washington, DC

Start Active, Stay Active. A report on physical activity for health from the four home countries' Chief Medical Officers. 2011.

Department of Health and Human Services (2008) Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee Report, Washington, DC

Burns, H. and Murray, A. (2012), Creating Health Through Physical Activity. BJSM, 1-2.

Lee I.M., Shiroma, E.J., Lobelo, F. et al. (2012), Effect of physical inactivity on major non-communicable diseases worldwide: an analysis of burden of disease and life expectancy. The Lancet, 380, 9838, 219-229.

Scottish Government (2015), Scottish Health Survey 2014

CMO UK Physical activity infographic National Records of Scotland (2015), Alcohol-related Deaths

National Services Scotland, Information Services Division (2015), Alcohol-related Hospital Statistics Scotland 2014/15

World Health Organization (2015), Tobacco: Fact sheet N°339

Doll, R. (1994) Mortality in relation to smoking: 40 years' observations on male British doctors BMJ 1994; 309 doi:

Data provided by Scottish Government, Health Analytical Services Division.

National Services Scotland, Information Services Division (2015) Cancer Mortality in Scotland (2014)

National Services Scotland, Information Services Division (2015) Cancer Mortality in Scotland (2014)

Scottish Government (2015), Scottish Health Survey 2014

National Records of Scotland (2015), Age-standardised Death Rates Calculated Using the European Standard Population

Scottish Government (2013), Suicide Prevention Strategy 2013 - 2016

All communicable disease data provided by Health Protection Scotland


Email: Diane Dempster

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