Contact a cabinet secretary or minister
Initial contact with any cabinet secretary or minister must be in writing.
You can contact a cabinet secretary or minister by emailing:
Your email will then be directed to the relevant office.
You can also write to the relevant cabinet secretary or minister at:
The Scottish Government
St. Andrew's House
Regent Road
Your correspondence may be passed to a subject expert for reply on behalf of the cabinet secretary or minister.
Correspondence sent to a number of ministers will be allocated to the office holding the main portfolio responsibility and their officials for reply.
We aim to answer everything received and to respond to all correspondence within 20 working days.
We may be unable to provide a response if your correspondence:
- contains offensive language
- is illegible or cannot be read
- is selling or promoting a product
- is concerning a matter not devolved to the Scottish Government
Scottish Ministers, special advisers and the Permanent Secretary to the Scottish Government are covered by the terms of the Lobbying (Scotland) Act 2016 (See The Act requires those who engage in registrable lobbying (during face to face meetings) to register such activity on the Lobbying Register overseen and maintained by the Scottish Parliament.
Cuiribh fios gu rùnaire a' chaibineit no ministear
Ma tha sibh airson fios a chuir gu rùnaire a' chaibineit no ministear feumaidh a bhith ann an sgrìobhadh sa chiad dol a-mach.
Faodar post-d a chuir gu rùnaire a' chaibineit no ministear aig:
Theid ur teachaireachd an uairsin a chuir dhan mhinisteir as freagarraiche neo dhan oifis aca.
'S dòcha gun tèid ur teachdaireachd a chuir gu eòlaiche air a' chuspair airson freagairt a chuir thugaibh às leth rùnaire a' chaibineit no ministear.
Thèid teachdaireachdan a fhuair barrachd is aon mhinistear a chuir dhan oifis aig a bheil uallach airson prìomh chuspair na teachdaireachd agus na h-oifigearan aca airson freagairt.
Tha sinn ag amas gus a h-uile teachdaireachd a fhreagairt taobh a-steach 20 latha-obrach.
'S dòcha nach urrainn dhuinn freagairt a chuir thugaibh ma tha na leanas anns an teachdaireachd agaibh:
- droch chainnt
- sgrìobhadh nach tèid leughadh
- iomairt gus rudeigin a reic no adhartachadh
- cuspair nach eil tiomnaichte ri Riaghaltas na h-Alba
Tha Ministearan na h-Alba, an luchd-comhairleachaidh sònraichte agus an Rùnaire Maireannach fo chumhachan Achd Coiteachaidh (Alba) 2016 (faicibh Tha e riatanach fon Achd gun clàr duine sam bith a tha a' gabhail pàirt ann an coiteachadh a dh'fheumas clàradh (ann an coinneamhan aghaidh ri aghaidh) gnìomhachd sam bith mar seo air a' Chlàr-coiteachaidh a tha air a ghlèidheadh aig Pàrlamaid na h-Alba.
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