
Value of bathing waters and influence of bathing water quality: technical annex

Research aimed to provide socio-economic understanding of the value of Scottish bathing waters and the influence of bathing water quality (BWQ) to bathers, beach users and to the national and local economies.

Annex 8: Focus group sample profiles

A-8.1 Community focus groups sample profile

Note: data does not include the additional wild swimmers focus group at Portobello.

Figure A8-1: Breakdown of focus group participants by gender

Figure A8-1: Breakdown of focus group participants by gender

Figure A8-2: Breakdown of focus group participants by age

Figure A8-2: Breakdown of focus group participants by age

Figure A8-3: Breakdown of focus group participants by current activity

Figure A8-3: Breakdown of focus group participants by current activity

A-8.2 Business focus groups sample profile

(Includes business focus group participants and interviewees)

Figure A8-4: Breakdown of focus group participants by gender

Figure A8-4: Breakdown of focus group participants by gender

Figure A8-5: Breakdown of focus group participants by business sector

Figure A8-5: Breakdown of focus group participants by business sector


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