University of Strathclyde - TQFE Programme: consultation analysis

Analysis of responses to our consultation on “University of Strathclyde – Further Education Teaching Programme” which ran from 4 April 2022 to 16 May 2022.

Question 1

Do you consider that the Teaching Qualification Further Education (TQFE) programme as detailed in this consultation is suitable in relation to: admission?

6 respondents agreed that the admission arrangements detailed in the consultation are suitable; 1 respondent was unsure and the final respondent did not answer the question.











Not answered



In further detail, respondents made the following comments about the admission arrangements set out in the consultation. The below comments are direct quotes from respondents who were content to have their responses published:

  • It is important to ensure that lecturers teaching fractional/part-time contracts are not being disadvantaged in practice and are not facing barriers to accessing TQFE. The provisions of the Equalities Act 2010 and the Part-time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000 ensure that they should have equal access to TQFE and contractual provisions which support this, such as the agreed reduction in class contact time through the NJNC Agreements.
  • It is important to ensure that lecturers teaching fractional/part-time contracts are not being disadvantaged in practice and are not facing barriers to accessing TQFE. The provisions of the Equalities Act 2010 and the Part-time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000 ensure that they should have equal access to TQFE and contractual provisions which support this, such as the agreed reduction in class contact time through the NJNC Agreements.
  • With no dedicated support, funding or time given to complete the Teaching In Colleges Today ('TICT') course, this additional recommendation is likely to act as a further barrier to admission for lecturers, who find themselves through no fault of their own, in these circumstances. Whilst we welcome the reference later in the paragraph to 'relevant industry and teaching experience' being taken into account as part of the admission process, completion of an additional qualification appears to be contrary to the widening access agenda, advocated in other parts of the consultation.
  • If the CDN Level 8 unit is actually a requirement for ensuring a successful application, then, that should be made clear rather than being 'strongly advised' (which is likely to be perceived as a requirement).
  • Although for level 9 entry the admission requirements say that the PDA 'Teaching Practice in Scotland's Colleges' satisfies the requirements for English, numeracy and ICT, this appears to be in addition to the requirement for an HND/HNC.
  • The admission requirements are equivalent to those of other TQFE programmes.
  • The proposed programme bases its entry requirements on Annex C of the Professional Standards for Lecturers in Scotland's Colleges (2006) in line with other equivalent TQFE programmes in Scotland.
  • We considered the programme specification as currently laid out to require high levels of digital competence and query whether ICT at SCQF level 5 would be sufficient to cope with the demands of the programme.



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