
Tuberculosis (Scotland) Amendment Order 2022: business and regulatory impact assessment

A business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) for the Tuberculosis (Scotland) Amendment Order 2022.


Option 1- Do Nothing (Status Quo)

No additional costs or savings are anticipated with this option.

Option 2 - Introduce changes to TB controls - amend the Tuberculosis (Scotland) Order 2007

Amend the provisions for the application of diagnostic tests, to include a requirement for the prior written permission of Scottish Ministers where non-statutory and private samples are taken with the intention of applying a diagnostic test for TB

This policy is to extend a current policy where applying a diagnostic test for tuberculosis is not permitted without consent from the Scottish Ministers. This would simply extend this policy to include taking samples with the intention of applying a diagnostic test. This means if samples are sent to other countries for testing there would be a requirement to report results to Scottish Ministers, who would set the conditions of the information required in relation to these tests. There are no additional costs anticipated in making this change. It is expected there will be some minimal additional costs to the third parties who are undertaking the sampling, as those which are approved to sample and test will need to report their findings to the Scottish Government. This will result in a cost to the company undertaking the research, as they will need to provide time resource through the operational cost of putting in place reporting requirements.



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