
Summary Statistics for Schools in Scotland No.4 : 2013 Edition

This contains the results of the annual pupil census, annual teacher census, pre-school data, school estates data, attendance and absence data and exclusions data.


Table 6.1 shows that there were 102,871 children registered for pre-school places funded by the local authority in September 2013, and that 101.5% of eligible children were registered for the ante-pre-school or pre-school year of pre-school education. Eligible children are estimated from mid-year population estimates. As children may be counted more than once if they are registered to receive local authority funded pre-school education at more than one centre this figure will overestimate true uptake.

Table 6.1: Registrations for pre-school education at local authority and partnership centres, September 2013

Under 3 year olds Ante-pre-school(1) Pre-school(1) Ante-pre-school + pre-school Deferred Entry(2) Total
Number % of eligible Number % of eligible Number % of eligible
Aberdeen City 336 1,312 112.2 2,239 97.9 3,551 102.7 177 4,064
Aberdeenshire 18 1,690 106.0 3,073 97.1 4,763 100.1 151 4,932
Angus 114 608 102.3 1,212 99.9 1,820 100.7 100 2,034
Argyll & Bute - 433 102.4 879 103.1 1,312 102.8 62 1,374
Clackmannanshire 55 347 126.5 596 103.5 943 110.9 22 1,020
Dumfries & Galloway - 795 104.2 1,608 105.6 2,403 105.1 106 2,509
Dundee City 107 809 101.7 1,626 102.8 2,435 102.4 150 2,692
East Ayrshire 139 791 116.2 1,299 94.4 2,090 101.6 86 2,315
East Dunbartonshire 190 644 121.4 1,182 106.8 1,826 111.5 99 2,115
East Lothian 142 647 106.3 1,172 93.2 1,819 97.5 100 2,061
East Renfrewshire 58 614 120.9 1,101 106.8 1,715 111.4 58 1,831
Edinburgh City 968 2,891 109.5 5,198 97.9 8,089 101.8 362 9,419
Eilean Siar 65 167 122.9 242 85.5 409 97.7 13 487
Falkirk 38 902 94.8 1,932 101.7 2,834 99.4 78 2,950
Fife 374 2,292 109.0 4,354 103.3 6,646 105.2 232 7,252
Glasgow City 2073 3,253 101.2 5,920 93.0 9,173 95.7 358 11,604
Highland 175 1,441 113.4 2,503 95.4 3,944 101.3 252 4,371
Inverclyde 207 408 100.2 747 90.0 1,155 93.3 43 1,405
Midlothian - 575 113.1 1,026 100.0 1,601 104.3 92 1,693
Moray 113 462 88.5 965 88.3 1,427 88.4 99 1,639
North Ayrshire 416 869 116.0 1,488 97.1 2,357 103.3 28 2,801
North Lanarkshire 781 2,379 114.7 3,893 92.8 6,272 100.1 135 7,188
Orkney Islands 1 114 102.9 225 97.7 339 99.4 42 382
Perth & Kinross 33 764 102.0 1,463 96.6 2,227 98.4 159 2,419
Renfrewshire 744 1,191 125.8 1,938 101.8 3,129 109.8 135 4,008
Scottish Borders 136 671 116.6 1,178 99.5 1,849 105.1 94 2,079
Shetland Islands 8 154 109.5 281 104.2 435 106.0 35 478
South Ayrshire 145 675 123.7 1,199 107.7 1,874 113.0 63 2,082
South Lanarkshire 774 1,834 105.8 3,463 98.3 5,297 100.8 168 6,239
Stirling 254 496 109.1 1,008 110.0 1,504 109.7 74 1,832
West Dunbartonshire 463 561 106.0 1,060 99.7 1,621 101.8 41 2,125
West Lothian 33 1,180 102.0 2,148 90.5 3,328 94.3 110 3,471
145 675 123.7 1,199 107.7 1,874 113.0 63 2,082
Scotland(3) 8,960 31,969 108.5 58,218 98.0 90,187 101.5 3,724 102,871
Scotland as reported 8,635 30,311 55,455 85,766 3,479 97,880

(1) 'Ante pre-school' typically refers to 3 year olds and 'pre-school' to 4 year olds.

(2) Refers to children who are eligible to attend primary school but have deferred entry and remain in pre-school.

(3) Includes data from 2012 where centres did not respond. 'Scotland as reported' row shows just data returned in 2013.


Email: Kieran Furness

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