Spring budget revision 2021 to 2022: supporting document

Supporting document to the Budget (Scotland) Act 2021 Amendment Regulations 2022. Provides details of Level 2 and 3 budgets.

Constitution, External Affairs and Culture

Schedule 2.1 Total Changes for the Spring Budget Revision
Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Total Budget in the Autumn Budget Revision 293.475 0.000 293.475
Changes Proposed
Funding Changes 55.526 -0.533 54.993
Technical Adjustments 10.026 0.000 10.026
Net Whitehall Transfers 0.051 0.000 0.051
Net Transfers within Scottish Block -3.948 0.000 -3.948
Total changes proposed 61.655 -0.533 61.122
Proposed Budget following Spring Budget Revision 355.130 -0.533 354.597
Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Expenditure Limit:
Culture & Major Events 242.313 -0.533 241.780
External Affairs 28.878 0.000 28.878
Historic Environment Scotland 73.939 0.000 73.939
Total Expenditure Limit 345.130 -0.533 344.597
UK Funded AME:
Culture & Major Events 10.000 0.000 10.000
Total UK Funded AME 10.000 0.000 10.000
Other Expenditure:
Total Other Expenditure 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total Budget 355.130 -0.533 354.597
Total Limit on Income (accruing resources) 200.000
Schedule 3.1 Culture and Major Events
Details of Proposed Budget
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Original Budget 169.045 0.000 169.045
ABR changes 20.527 0.000 20.527
ABR Budget 189.572 0.000 189.572
Proposed changes 62.741 -0.533 62.208
SBR Proposed Budget 252.313 -0.533 251.780
Summary of proposed changes
Miscelleanous Minor Transfers -0.476 -0.533 -1.009
Transfer to Heath for the promotion of Active Travel to secure wider benefits of hosting the Cycling World Championships -1.000 0.000 -1.000
Release of emerging/planned underspends for reallocation to priorities -2.000 0.000 -2.000
Transfer to Visit Scotland as part of additional Covid Support Measures for the events sector -1.000 0.000 -1.000
Transfer for the Crannog Centre announced as part part of the Culture Consequentials 1.000 0.000 1.000
Transfer to Creative Scotland as part of additional Covid Support Measures for the culture sector 41.500 0.000 41.500
Transfer to National Performing Companies as part of additional Covid Support Measures for the culture and events sector 2.000 0.000 2.000
Transfer to Major Events and Themed Years as part of additional Covid Support Measures for the events sector 9.000 0.000 9.000
Transfer to Non -national museums as part of additional Covid Support Measures for the culture sector 1.700 0.000 1.700
Historic Silicosis Legal Provision (AME) 10.000 0.000 10.000
Historic Silcosis Legal Costs 1.017 0.000 1.017
Transfer to Museums Galleries Scotland to assist in Covid Recovery 1.000 0.000 1.000
62.741 -0.533 62.208
Proposed Budget following Spring Budget Revision Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Gross Expenditure 242.689 0.000 242.689
Less: Retained Income 9.624 0.000 9.624
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 -0.533 -0.533
252.313 -0.533 251.780
Budget Analysis
Culture and Major Events Staffing 4.268 0.000 4.268
Creative Scotland and Other Arts 127.218 0.000 127.218
Cultural Collections 72.783 0.000 72.783
National Performing Companies 24.806 -0.533 24.273
Major Events and Themed Years 9.905 0.000 9.905
Historic Scotland Legacy Costs 11.017 0.000 11.017
Architecture and Place 1.916 0.000 1.916
Royal and Ceremonial 0.400 0.000 0.400
Net Expenditure 252.313 -0.533 251.780
Schedule 3.2 External Affairs
Details of Proposed Budget
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Original Budget 29.937 0.000 29.937
ABR changes 0.012 0.000 0.012
ABR Budget 29.949 0.000 29.949
Proposed changes -1.071 0.000 -1.071
SBR Proposed Budget 28.878 0.000 28.878
Summary of proposed changes
Miscelleanous Minor Transfers -1.071 0.000 -1.071
-1.071 0.000 -1.071
Proposed Budget following Spring Budget Revision Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Gross Expenditure 28.878 0.000 28.878
Less: Retained Income 0.000 0.000 0.000
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
28.878 0.000 28.878
Budget Analysis
International & European Relations 28.778 0.000 28.778
British Irish Council 0.100 0.000 0.100
Net Expenditure 28.878 0.000 28.878
Schedule 3.3 Historic Environment Scotland
Details of Proposed Budget
Proposed Changes Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Original Budget 72.900 0.000 72.900
ABR Changes 1.054 0.000 1.054
ABR Budget 73.954 0.000 73.954
Proposed Changes -0.015 0.000 -0.015
SBR Proposed Budget 73.939 0.000 73.939
Summary of proposed changes
Miscelleanous Minor Transfers -0.015 0.000 -0.015
-0.015 0.000 -0.015
Proposed Budget following Spring Budget Revision Operating Capital Total
£m £m £m
Gross Expenditure 95.339 0.000 95.339
Less: Retained Income -21.400 0.000 -21.400
Capital Receipts Applied 0.000 0.000 0.000
73.939 0.000 73.939
Budget Analysis
Operational Costs 73.939 0.000 73.939
Net Expenditure 73.939 0.000 73.939


Email: finance.co-ordination@gov.scot

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