Sectoral marine plan: regional locational guidance

Sets out regional spatial baseline data for the sectoral marine plan for offshore wind energy and describes the information used in the planning and assessment process.

7 Abbreviations

AIS - Automatic Identification System

AONB - Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

AoS - Area of Search

ATBA - Area To Be Avoided

CalMac - Caledonian MacBrayne Clyde & Hebridean Ferries

CCC - Committee on Climate Change

CCS - Carbon Capture and Storage

Cebr - Centre for Economics and Business Research

Cefas - Business Research Ltd

CfD - Contract for Difference

cSAC - candidate Special Area of Conservation

DPO - Draft Plan Option

D&R - Demonstration and Research

EC - European Commission

EMEC - European Marine Energy Centre

ECU2 - East Coast Onshore 275 kV Upgrade

EnFAIT - Enabling Future Arrays in Tidal

EOWDC - European Offshore Wind Demonstration Centre

ESAS - European Seabirds At Sea

ESCA - European Subsea Cables Association

EU - European union

FRMS - Flood Risk Management System

FTE - Full Time Equivalent

GEN - Generation

GIS - Geographic Information System

GVA - Gross Value Added 

GW - Gigawatt

HIAL - Highlands and Islands Airports Ltd.

HIE - Highlands and Islands Enterprise

HM - Her Majesty

HMNB - Her Majesty’s Naval Base

HMR - Helicopter Main Routes

HMS - Her Majesty’s Ship

HRA - Habitat Regulations Appraisal

HSD2 - Harbour Seal Decline 2

HVDC - High Voltage Direct Current

HWDT - Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust

IBA - Important Bird Area

ICES - International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

IMO - International Maritime Organisation

ISLES - Irish Scottish Links on Energy Study

IUCN - International Union for the Conservation of Nature

kWm-2 - Kilowatt per metre squared   

LDP - Local Development Plan

MeyGen - MeyGen Ltd

MMO - Marine Management Organisation

MOD - Ministry of Defence

MPA - Maritime Protected Area

MSP - Members for the Scottish Parliament

MTDG - Marine Tourism Development Group

MV - Motor Vessel

MW - Megawatt

NAFC - North Atlantic Fisheries College

NATS - National Air Traffic Service

NCMPA - Nature Conservation Marine Protected Area

NE - North East

NGL - Natural Gas Liquids

NMPi - National Marine Plan interactive

NPF - National Planning Framework

NRIP - National Renewable Infrastructure Plan

NSA - National Scenic Area

O&C - Opportunity and Constraint

OGA - Oil and Gas Authority

O&M - Operations and Maintenance

OSPAR - Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North East Atlantic

OWF - Offshore Wind Farm

PARC - Port and Resource Centre

PEXA - Practice and Exercise Area

PMF - Priority Marine Feature

pMPA - proposed Maritime Protected Area

pNCMPA - proposed Nature Conservation Marine Protected Area

pSPA - proposed Special Protection Area

QLS - Quarterly Location Statistics

RAF - Royal Air Force

RLG - Regional Locational Guidance

RSPB - Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

RYA - Royal Yachting Association

SAC - Special Area of Conservation

SCCS - Scottish Centre for Carbon Storage 

SCOS - Special Committee on Seals 

SEA - Strategic Environmental Assessment

SEIA - Social & Economic Impact Assessment 

SEPA - Scottish Environment Protection Agency

SFDAD - Scottish Flood Defence Asset Database

SIMD - Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation

SLA - Special Landscape Area

SMRU - Sea Mammal Research Unit 

SNH - Scottish Natural Heritage

SPA - Special Protection Area

SPG - Special Planning Guidance

SSACN - The Scottish Sea Angling Conservation Network

SSEN - Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks

SSSI - Site of Special Scientific Interest

SW - South West

SXA - Scottish Exercise Area

TSS - Traffic Separation Scheme

UK - United Kingdom

UKMMAS - United Kingdom Marine Monitoring and Assessment Strategy

VMS - Vessel Monitoring System

WES - Wave Energy Scotland

WFD - Water Framework Directive

WMS - Web Map Service



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