
Scottish Welfare Fund Statistics: Annual Update: 2021-22

The Scottish Welfare Fund comprises Community Care Grants – which help people to live independently – and Crisis Grants, which provide a safety net in a disaster or emergency.

This publication provides information on the SWF for 2021/22, and since 2013 when the scheme began.

Repeat Applications and Awards

The percentage of applications and awards that were repeats were higher for Crisis Grants compared to Community Care Grants (Chart 13).The number of Community Care Grant applications and awards that were repeats increased by 10% and 12%, respectively, between 2020-21 and 2021-22 (Table 65 and 67). At the same time, the number of Crisis Grant applications and awards that were repeats increased by 28% and 4%, respectively (Table 69, Table 71). The proportion of applications that were repeats increased for Community Care Grants (from 28% in 2020-21 to 30% in 2021-22) and Crisis Grants (from 71% in 2020-21 to 80% in 2021-22).

In April to June 2020, the proportion of Crisis Grant applications and awards that were repeats decreased slightly to 64% and 56%, respectively. (Table 68, Table 70). Since then, there has been a relatively steep increase to highs of 84% and 72% respectively (January to March 2022). This likely reflects the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the increases in the cost of living seen in recent months. In subsequent quarters, the proportion of Crisis Grant applications and awards that were repeats steadily increased.

Chart 13: Repeat applications and awards for Community Care Grants and Crisis Grants – Quarterly
Line chart showing proportion of repeat applications and awards for CCGs and Crisis grants.



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