
Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2022

A National Statistics publication that provides detailed information on the tonnage and value of landings, fishing vessel characteristics and employment. Detailed supplementary excel tables and a pdf version of the publication are available in supporting documents.

Data and Methodology

All tables presented here and in previous publications are available for download from the Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics publications section of the Scottish Government website[11].

Spatial information on fish and shellfish caught by Scottish vessels is available on Marine Scotland interactive maps and Marine Scotland Data Publications. Links to map layers and data are available from the fishing activity data and statistics page. This also includes experimental gridded data from Scottish under-12m vessels based on daily latitude and longitude positions provided by fishers.

Additional landings which were previously excluded, due to missing or incorrect information on the source database, have been included in this publication. The value of landings with missing sales information has also be calculated based on average prices. These changes do not affect the overall trends but results in large changes to the tonnage and value of mackerel landings in Norway in 2018 and the value of mackerel landings into Denmark in 2020 (Table 7, Table 17, Table 27, Table 28).

More information about the data and methodology used to produce the Scottish sea fisheries statistics publication is provided in a stand-alone technical manual. This also includes a glossary of terms. The technical manual can be found here: Scottish sea fisheries statistics: technical manual - (



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