
Exotic notifiable animal diseases contingency plans - Scottish Regional Resilience Partnerships' framework: August 2022

Information on how and when operational partners should respond to a suspect or confirmed exotic notifiable animal disease outbreak.

6. Recovery

6.1. General

Recovery from a disease outbreak (sometimes referred to as the "exit strategy") should be considered as soon as a disease outbreak is confirmed. A number of factors will have a bearing on the type and duration of the recovery, including spread of disease, containment and potential trade implications.

In order that trade can be resumed as quickly as possible, the UK will seek disease free status as soon as practicable. Eradicating disease quickly and restoring disease freedom is vital. This generally requires completion of the final C&D. The sooner disease is eradicated and disease freedom restored, the sooner normal trade can commence. However, this can be a lengthy process with third countries. It is essential for both government and stakeholders to work on minimising the impact of disease on trade from the start of an outbreak. We also need to work together to minimise the impact on the rural and wider domestic economy.

6.2. Regionalisation

Regionalisation is the process whereby the UK can be split into regions by Government with different levels of risk (following a risk assessment). This may allow the relaxation of some of the controls. Regionalisation depends on a number of factors including the epidemiology of the disease, seasonal trade patterns and the application of movement restrictions on animals and animal products.

6.3. Compartmentalisation

Compartmentalisation is a concept that allows companies, in the event of a disease outbreak, to resume trade quickly with third countries who have signed up to the scheme. Companies must meet the conditions of Regulation (EC) 616/2009 (retained), which includes strict biosecurity measures and the requirement for premises to be approved by government.

6.4. Recovery Co-ordinating Group (RCG)

A Resilience Partnership will usually hand over to the Recovery Co-ordinating Group (RCG) when the incident is contained and there is no immediate risk of escalation. At that point the Resilience Partnership's Recovery Plan would be activated. The RCG is a multi-agency group led by a local authority that will support communities in recovering from the economic, social and physical impacts of an emergency.



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