Scottish Local Government Financial Statistics 2011-12

Scottish Local Government Financial Statistics is an annual publication that provides a comprehensive overview of Scottish Local Authority financial activity. The publication covers Local Authority income, revenue and capital expenditure, outstanding debt, local taxation and Local Authority pensions.

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ANNEX F - Calculation of the Distributable Amount of Non-Domestic Rates Income, 2011-12


NDRI Balance Sheet to 31/3/2011

£m £m £m £m £m
1 Balance brought forward 31/3/2010 as per Non Domestic Rating Account 2010-11 -34.393
2 Closing Balance -34.393
Final Balance brought forward 31/3/2010
3 Opening Balance -34.393
4 Add: Provisional Contributable Amount 2010-11 2,165.191
5 Less: Distributable Amount 2010-11 2,068.200
6 Reconciliation of 2009-10
7 Add: Notified Amount 2009-10 2,016.235
8 Less: Notified Provisional Contributable Amount 2009-10 2,056.709
9 -40.474
10 Reconciliation of 2008-09
11 Add: Audited Amount 2008-09 1,923.772
12 Less: Notified Amount 2008-09 1,931.979
13 -8.207 13.917
14 Closing Balance for 2010-11 13.917
15 Balance brought forward 31/3/2011
16 Opening Balance 13.917
17 Add: estimated Provisional Contributable Amount 2011-12 2,168.083
18 Add: Mid Year Estimate 2010-11 2,165.191
19 Less: Provisional Contributable Amount 2010-11 2,165.191
20 Add/less: Estimated reconciliation of 2010-11 0.000
21 Estimated movement on Pool 2011-12 2,168.083
22 Estimated movement on Pool 2011-12 2,168.083
23 Net Balance on 2010-11 Pool including brought forward at 31/3/10 2,182.000
24 Less: Distributable Amount for 2011-12 -2,182.000
25 Estimated balance at 31/3/2012 0.000


Email: Bruce Golding

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