Race recruitment and retention - an instigation for change: action plan

Our race recruitment and retention action plan details the action we will take to deliver our vision to be a world-leading diverse employer where racial equality is achieved. The Plan’s anti-racist approach covers five priorities to redistribute power and foster cultural change.

Leadership, Governance and Decision Making

Senior leaders take the lead and champion the Race Recruitment and Retention Action Plan incorporating an equity lens in all leadership and people-related policies, processes and decision they make. 

In our engagement, stakeholders told us that sometimes well-meaning leaders are nervous about incorrectly addressing race matters in the workplace. Colleagues also pointed to a need for quality Equality Impact Assessment of decisions to ensure inclusivity and maximum impact. The actions in the Plan are designed to build a confident, anti-racist mind-set amongst senior leaders and support collective leadership where diverse voices can effectively influence decision-making spaces. They are complemented particularly by actions elsewhere in the Plan to increase the representation of minority ethnic employees at senior levels and, in so doing, the diversity of perspectives present around the decision-making table. 

47.7% of Minority Ethnic respondents believe their managers’ decisions are shaped by a commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion with the proportion dropping to 35.0% for senior leaders.

Around 4 in 10 Minority Ethnic and white respondents believe senior leaders are taking effective action to advance race equality.


Email: Diversityteam@gov.scot

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