Health screening: equity in screening strategy 2023 to 2026

The Scottish equity in screening strategy tackles inequalities within the screening programmes.


Community Health Index (CHI) number uniquely identifies a person on the population register - Community Health Index (CHI) - used in Scotland for health care purposes.

Equality Impact Assessment is a method for considering the effects or impacts of a public sector policy or function on groups with a protected characteristic and other under-served groups.

Health inequalities are the unfair, and avoidable, systematic differences in health or health access between different groups of people.

Protected characteristics, of which there are nine, are identified by the Equality Act (2010). People with a protected characteristic must not be treated less favourably, or subjected to unfair disadvantage, because of this.

Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) is a measure of relative deprivation of small geographical areas.

Under-served groups refer to people who experience social inequity, stigma, and discrimination. People may fall into multiple groups.Note:We have chosen to write 'under-served' in this way to avoid this being misread as 'undeserved'.

Uptake is the percentage of people in a population eligible for screening at a given point in time who were screened adequately within a specified period.



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