Scottish Biodiversity Strategy: progress report 2014-2016

Report setting out progress on our ambitions for Scotland’s biodiversity.


1. Evaluation of the Compliance and Quality of Biodiversity Duty Reports 2015 Elizabeth Daly, Teresa Fenn and Jennifer Miller, Risk & Policy Analysts (RPA) Ltd (2016).

2. Valuing Our Environment: The Economic Impact of Scotland's Natural Environment

3. Valuing Our Environment: The Economic Impact of Scotland's Natural Environment

4. Long-term river water quality indicator

5. CSGN Business Survey 2015 - Progressive

6. John Muir Way visitor survey 2014-2015 SNH Commissioned Report No. 918 (2016)

7. 2006 to 2011 data was collected via the Scottish Recreation Survey. Post 2012 data is collected through the Scottish Household Survey. A summary of how the two data sets are comparable is provided by SNH.

8. Data used for previous reporting from 2007 and 2009 was absolute member numbers provided by NGOs. Since 2013 the Scottish Nature Omnibus survey now includes a question relating to membership of an organisation which looks after the environment and is expressed as a % of the population.

9. Includes habitats classified as unfavourable recovering and unfavourable with corrective measures agreed.

10. Otter trend analysis replaces the previous indicator from 2004 but utilises all of the original survey data and in addition includes data from 2007 and 2015 surveys.


12. Positive management is defined as land, water or sea which is owned or designated for nature, subject to management agreements or specific planning policies

13. Marine Strategy Framework Directive Indicators have been developed and work is underway on assessment and selection of a suitable suite of indicators to report on progress towards SBS outcome 6.

14. Archived following publication of 2010 UK Biodiversity framework.

15. Archived following publication of 2010 UK Biodiversity framework.

16. Marine Strategy Framework Directive Indicators are to be developed

17. 2006 to 2011 data was collected via the Scottish Recreation Survey. Post 2012 data is collected through the Scottish Household Survey. A summary of how the two data sets are comparable is provided by SNH.



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